Diego Sánchez-Ancochea is Head of Department at the Oxford Department of International Development and professor of the Political Economy of Development. He studied a BA in Economics and a MPA at the Complutense University in Madrid and a PhD in Economics at the New School for Social Research in New York. He spent the first five years of his academic career as a Lecturer in the Economics of Latin America in the Institute of Latin American Studies (London) and moved to Oxford in 2008.
He has been co-editor of the Journal of Latin American Studies, Treasurer of the Latin American Studies Association and consultant for a number of international institutions including UNDP and the ILO. His research focuses on the causes and consequences of inequality as well as the political economy of social policy. He is the author of The Quest for Universal Social Policy in the South. Actors, Ideas and Architectures (CUP, 2016) jointly with Juliana Martínez Franzoni and The Costs of Inequality in Latin America: Lessons and Warnings for the Rest of the World (Bloomsbury, 2020).