Gildesgame Trust

1. The University accepts with gratitude from the Pierre and Moniusia Gildesgame Charitable Trust the sum of £45,000 to establish a fund, to be known as the Pierre and Moniusia Gildesgame Trust, for the furtherance of the study of European and Comparative Law within the University.

2. The fund shall be administered by the Board of the Faculty of Law.

3. Income from the fund may be applied for any of the following purposes:

(a) to finance visits to Oxford by European Scholars, such scholars to be known as Gildesgame Scholars;

(b) to finance visits by members of the Law Faculty to European institutions, such awards to be known as Gildesgame Travel Bursaries;

(c) any other purpose consistent with the main object of the fund as defined in clause 1 above.

4. Income not expended in any year shall be carried forward for expenditure in subsequent years.

5. Council shall have power to amend this decree from time to time, provided that the main object of the fund, as defined in clause 1 above, is always kept in view.

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