This website contains information relating to Governance and Planning at the University of Oxford
Planning and Council Secretariat
Please get in touch with the relevant team/contact below if you have any questions.
Antony Willott, Director of Planning and Council Secretariat
Martina Harley, PA to Director of PACS and HR & Office Administrator
Emma Canham, Senior Communications and Engagement Manager - Strategic Change
Email: emma.canham@admin.ox.ac.uk
Katelyn McPherson, Communications and Engagement Officer
Email: katelyn.mcpherson@admin.ox.ac.uk
Governance team
The Governance team is responsible for matters relating to the University’s governance, including the servicing of Council and a number of its committees, including the General Purposes Committee, and meetings of Congregation.
Lara McCarthy, Head of Governance
- Administration of Council and its meetings
- Management of the Governance team
Email: lara.mccarthy@admin.ox.ac.uk -
Tel:( 01865 2) 80107
Sarah Cowburn, Senior Assistant Registrar (Governance)
- Administration of Council and its meetings
- Secretary of the following committees of Council: the Honorary Degrees Committee
- Governance: formulating draft policy and advising on University processes and governance-related matters
- Secretary of the University’s Prevent Steering Group
- Email: sarah.cowburn@admin.ox.ac.uk
- Tel: (01865 2) 70193
Kristoffer Tiffen, Senior Assistant Registrar (Planning)
- Secretary of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee (PRAC) and Joint Fees and Student Support Advisory Group (JFSSAG)
- Central planning policy lead on Fee Setting and Student Number Planning
- Email: kristoffer.tiffen@admin.ox.ac.uk
- Tel: (01865 2) 80756
Hazel Jessop, Senior Assistant Registrar (Capital and Finance)
- Secretary of Finance Committee; Planning & Housing Steering Group; Strategic Capital Steering Group.
- Email: hazel.jessop@admin.ox.ac.uk
Louise Hasler, Assistant Registrar (Governance)
- Maintenance of the University’s statutes and regulations.
- Administration of Congregation’s meetings, and management of the Congregation Membership Administrator.
- Maintenance of the University’s register of delegations.
- Secretary to General Purposes Committee (GPC), Nominations Committee and Data Assurance Group.
- Secretary to the Visitatorial Board and Appeal Court.
- Email: louise.hasler@admin.ox.ac.uk
Steven Fairhurst Jones, Assistant Registrar (Governance)
- Secretary of the following committees: Committee to Review Donations and Research Funding (CRDRF), Safety Executive Group, Security in International Collaboration Group (SICG) and Endowment Challenge Fund (ECF) Management Group.
- Email: steven.fairhurstjones@admin.ox.ac.uk
Aristea Gkontra, Senior Administrative Officer (Governance)
- Secretary of the following committees of Council: Curators of the University Libraries; Curators of the University Parks; College Accounts Committee; College Contributions Committee; Committee on Statutes before the Privy Council.
- Summoner of Preachers and secretary of the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers.
- Secretary of the Benefices Delegacy.
- Email: aristea.gkontra@admin.ox.ac.uk
- Tel:(01865 2) 70373
Genieve Boon, Senior Administrative Officer (Planning)
- Secretary of the Joint Student Number Planning Subcommittee (JSNPSC), Officers’ Subgroup of the Joint Fees and Student Support Advisory Group (JFSSAG) & Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee (ESSC)
- Assistant Secretary of JFSSAG and the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee (PRAC)
- Responsible for maintaining the Student Number Planning (SNP) model
- Email: genieve.boon@admin.ox.ac.uk
Sarah Gardner, Planning Officer (Capital Planning)
- Secretary for the Buildings and Estates Subcommittee and Estate Investment Subcommittee.
- Email: sarah.gardner@admin.ox.ac.uk
Shirley Mulvihill, Elections Officer
- Conducts all elections by Congregation to places on Council and other University committees and boards; maintains the elections website.
- Co-ordinates elections by Convocation (i.e. of the Chancellor and Professor of Poetry).
- Manages the administration of appointments by Council to University and external bodies.
- Responsible for the setting and annual publication of the University’s official dates of term.
- Email: shirley.mulvihill@admin.ox.ac.uk
- Tel:(01865 2) 80463
Charlie Knight, Administrative Support Officer
- Congregation membership administration
- Support for Congregation’s meetings
- Support for Council and the committees serviced by the Governance team
- Support for the Governance team’s webpages and Council’s SharePoint site.
- Email: charlie.knight@admin.ox.ac.uk
Planning and Data team
The responsibilities of the individual members of the team are set out below.
Alex Bush, Head of Planning
- Email: alex.bush@admin.ox.ac.uk
Liv Passey, Senior Planning Officer (Strategy)
- Secretary of Data Governance Group (DGG), Administration Portfolio Committee (APC), and Services Subcommittee (SSC).
- Strategic planning activities: coordination of reporting on the implementation of the strategic plan; divisional and services planning round.
- Email: liv.passey@admin.ox.ac.uk
Dr Kathrin Gowers, Senior Planning Officer (Change)
- Supports the Professional Services Together programme and operational planning for the University
- Email: kathrin.gowers@admin.ox.ac.uk
- Tel: (01865 2) 80651
Dr Rachel Cox, Resource Allocation Lead Officer
- Leads on internal service charging - Service Charge and Space Charge
- Works on Data Strategy and Chairs Data Governance Group and BI Operations Group
- Email: rachel.cox@admin.ox.ac.uk
- Tel: (01865 2) 80310
Dr Liz Bills, Senior Planning Officer
- Leads on the delivery of JRAM, JRAM forecasts and CFF
- Secretary to JRAAB
- Produces the annual HESES return
- Analyses communications from Office for Students (OfS) and Research England about recurrent grant funding
- Email: liz.bills@admin.ox.ac.uk
- Tel: (01865 2) 70761
John Parkhill, Information Analyst
- Email: john.parkhill@admin.ox.ac.uk
- Tel: (01865 2) 80678
Harvinder Wright, Data Analyst
Anna Gilbert, Data Officer
- Administers the University Organisational Structure
- Manages the University’s use of Heidi Plus, Higher Education Statistics Agency's (HESA) data portal
- Compiles the annual HESA Provider Profile
- Email: anna.gilbert@admin.ox.ac.uk
Ayoola Bamgboye, Data Governance Manager
Su Jabob, Data Improvement Officer
- Email: su.jacob@admin.ox.ac.uk
Jim Croxford, Head of Business Intelligence (BI) Reporting
- Leading the BI Reporting team, supporting the transformative work it delivers
- Serving as Data Warehouse Project Product Owner, representing the ‘Voice of the Business’
- Engaging the data and reporting community at the University to gather requirements, prioritise delivery of new capabilities and encourage wide adoption of best practice
- Email: james.croxford@admin.ox.ac.uk
Andy Crowley Collins, BI Report Developer
- Business reporting requirement analysis
- Data preparation and report design
- Supporting the Oxford community of data and reporting users
- Email: andy.crowleycollins@admin.ox.ac.uk
Christopher Goodland, BI Report Developer
- Business reporting requirement analysis
- Data preparation and report design
- Supporting the Oxford community of data and reporting users
- Email: christopher.goodland@admin.ox.ac.uk
David Johnson, BI Report Developer
- Business reporting requirement analysis
- Data preparation and report design
- Supporting the Oxford community of data and reporting users
- Email: david.johnson@admin.ox.ac.uk
Milda Mackela, BI Report Developer
- Business reporting requirement analysis
- Data preparation and report design
- Supporting the Oxford community of data and reporting users
- Email: milda.mackela@admin.ox.ac.uk
Trusts Management
Please send all queries about specific trusts or general policy to trusts@admin.ox.ac.uk
Ellen Hudspith, Head of Trusts Management
Gemma Proctor, Trusts Officer
- Email: gemma.proctor@admin.ox.ac.uk
- Tel: 01865 (2) 70237
The University's Continuous Improvement and change team.
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