1. The University accepts with gratitude the bequest from the estate of the late May Hamilton Beattie which shall form a fund to be called the Beattie Visiting Fellowship Fund.
2. There shall be a board of management for the bequest composed of the following persons:
(1) the Director of the Ashmolean Museum;
(2) the Keeper of Eastern Art at the Ashmolean Museum;
(3), (4) two persons appointed by the Visitors of the Ashmolean Museum;
(5) Dr Anthony Clark for his lifetime.
3. The board of management shall from time to time appoint a Beattie Visiting Fellow in Carpet Studies. The board shall determine the frequency, duration, and salary of such appointments.
4. The board of management shall apply the income of the fund, after payment of all proper expenses, for the following purposes:
(a) to provide the salary of the Beattie Visiting Fellow in Carpet Studies;
(b) to provide travel grants and other expenses incidental to the holding of the fellowship;
(c) to support conferences and seminars in the field of Carpet Studies;
(d) to support publications arising out of work undertaken by the visiting fellow during his or her period of office;
(e) to support the purchase of additional rugs for the Ashmolean Collection;
(f) to support the conservation of the collection of rugs and the costs of exhibiting the same;
(g) to support any other activities relating to Carpet Studies.
5. Any income not expended in a given year shall be carried forward for use in subsequent years.
6. Council shall have power to alter this decree from time to time, provided that the main object of the fund, namely the establishment of a Beattie Visiting Fellowship in Carpet Studies in the Department of Eastern Art at the Ashmolean Museum, is always kept in view.