Part of Council Regulations 25 of 2002: Trust Regulations
Made by Council, 19 October 2006
1. The donations from the friends and colleagues of Professor Glen Dudbridge, Shaw Professor of Chinese (1989–2005) together with any further donations for this purpose, shall be known as the ‘Dudbridge Prizes in Classical Chinese’.
2. The University shall retain all of the donations as a permanent endowment and shall apply the net income of the donations towards the object of the Fund, which shall be to award Prizes each year to the candidate who has performed the best in the papers in Classical Chinese in each of the First Public and Honour School Examinations in Oriental Studies or in any associated Joint Honour School examinations.
3. The Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies shall be responsible for the administration of the Fund.
4. The Board shall award the Prizes on the recommendation of the examiners for the above examinations. The examiners may decline to recommend either one Prize or both Prizes in any year if no candidate has achieved a suitable standard of work in Classical Chinese.
5. These regulations may be amended by Council provided the object as specified in regulation 2 is kept in view.