1. The University accepts with gratitude the initial donations, and all further contributions received for the same purpose, to establish a fund, to be called the European Studies Fund, for the advancement of education through the encouragement of (i) European Studies in the University and, in connection therewith, in other European institutions of higher education having links with the University, and (ii) the movement of academic staff and students between the University and those institutions. In its inter-institutional application, the fund shall be known as the Europaeum. European Studies shall include (but without limitation) the study of national and supranational institutions, policies, and relations both within Europe and between countries in Europe and elsewhere, together with the study of the languages, history, cultures, and professions of the people of Europe.
2. The fund shall be administered by a board of management consisting of:
(1) the Chancellor, or a person appointed by the Chancellor for such period as the Chancellor shall determine;
(2)-(6) five Foundation Members, the initial appointments of whom (from among persons other than resident members of the University) shall be made by the Chancellor on the basis of roles performed in the establishment of the fund;
(7) the Vice-Chancellor, or a person appointed by the Vice-Chancellor for not longer than the duration of the current Vice-Chancellorship;
(8)-(11) four persons appointed by Council for such periods as Council shall determine, of whom not more than two shall hold an academic appointment of the University.
On the retirement, resignation, or death of a Foundation Member, the remaining Foundation Members acting jointly with the Chancellor (or, if the Chancellor is not a member of the board, the Chancellor’s appointee under (1) above) shall appoint a successor.
3. Without prejudice to the generality of the purpose of the fund as defined in clause 1 above, the board shall further the purpose by applying the fund, within the limitations prescribed by clause 1, in support of provision in the University of one or more of the following:
(a) courses designed to enhance understanding of the European dimension in relevant academic disciplines, including Law, History, Modern Languages, and Social Studies;
(b) post-experience courses on European affairs for non-academic professional persons, including senior civil servants, diplomats, businessmen, and journalists;
(c) graduate courses of relevance to persons intending to pursue a non-academic career in some part of Europe; and
(d) conferences on European affairs to be attended by policy-makers, businessmen, and academic specialists.
4. The board is also empowered, in connection therewith, to support the provision of similar courses and conferences at other European institutions within the limitations prescribed by clause 1.
In the provision of such support, whether in the University or elsewhere, the board may apply the fund:
(a) in the endowment of relevant university posts and in the funding of fixed-term university appointments;
(b) in the funding of scholarships and bursaries to enable (i) attendance at the graduate or undergraduate courses referred to above, or (ii) study or teaching to be undertaken either in the University by persons from other European institutions of higher education having links with the University, or elsewhere in Europe by members of the University (whether holding academic appointments or being junior members);
(c) in the funding of conferences; and
(d) in meeting, or contributing to, the cost of the provision of both (i) residential and functional accommodation and (ii) relevant library and other facilities.
5. In reaching decisions on the application of the fund, the board shall take into account:
(a) the priorities and requirements of the University, as communicated to them from time to time by Council;
(b) any representations received from time to time from other European institutions of higher education having links with the University; and
(c) any views expressed by donors at the time of their contributions.
6. The Chancellor shall have power to invite the Foundation Members, and such other persons as Council may from time to time recommend, to serve, for such periods as the Chancellor shall determine, on a Founders’ Council for the fund. If such a council is established, its members shall be invited to meet from time to time to receive and consider periodic reports from the board on the application of the fund and on the activities, both at Oxford and elsewhere, that have thereby been sustained. It shall also be empowered to invite the University and the other educational institutions concerned to report to it on their respective developments in the furtherance of European Studies and the movement of staff and students between institutions.