Part of Council Regulations 25 of 2002: Trust Regulations
1. The University accepts with gratitude the bequest of the late T.K. Penniman, formerly Curator of the Pitt Rivers Museum, of the sum of £2,000 together with such copyrights, and the royalties therefrom, as belonged to him on the books and writings of which he was the author. The said sum together with the royalties and the net proceeds of the sale of any such copyrights shall form a fund to be known as the Ronald Cyril Gurden Memorial Fund.
2. The first charge on the net income from the fund shall be expenditure at the discretion of the Curator of the Pitt Rivers Museum on the garden of the Pitt Rivers Museum and on plants for the museum. Any surplus income may, at the discretion of the Curator, be either carried forward for expenditure in subsequent years or expended on other purposes for the benefit of the Pitt Rivers Museum.
3. If the University should be precluded from expending the said income as provided in cl. 2 above, Council shall have power to amend this decree, provided that the object of the testator, that the said fund shall be applied as a memorial to Ronald Cyril Gurden, formerly Administrator and Librarian of the Pitt Rivers Museum, is kept in view.