Kirby Memorial Fund

Amended by the General Purposes Committee of Council on 24 July 2015 (Gazette, Vol. 145, p. 686, 9 July 2015), 28 May 2021 (Gazette, Vol.151, p.399, 13 May 2021) and 1 August 2022 (Gazette, Vol. 152, p. 491-492, 7 July 2022)

1. The fund (founded by friends of the late David R.S. Kirby, University Lecturer in Zoology and Fellow of St Catherine’s College) shall be called the David Kirby Memorial Fund, and shall be managed by a board of management consisting of

(1) the Head of the Department of Biology (or their nominee);

(2) the Master of St Catherine’s College (or their nominee);

(3) a person appointed by the Department of Biology for such period or periods as it shall determine.

2. The income of the fund shall be applied to the establishment of a David Kirby Memorial Bursary and to the payment of expenses in connection with the award thereof.

3. The bursary shall be awarded annually to the candidate who, in the opinion of the board of management, submits the most meritorious proposal for a research project to be carried out during the vacation in collaboration with a member of the staff of a university department, research unit, or research group. Preference will be given to projects in the field of reproduction. The bursary shall be open to undergraduate members of the University studying for the Master in Biology (MBiol), the Preliminary Examination in Human Sciences, or the Honour School of Human Sciences.

4. The board of management may in any year withhold the bursary if there is no candidate of sufficient merit. Income not expended in any year shall be carried forward for expenditure in subsequent years and may be used by the board to award additional bursaries.

5. Council shall have power to alter this regulation from time to time, provided that no change shall be made without the approval of the Department of Biology and the Master of St Catherine’s College.

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