Libraries Curators Regulations 1 of 2014

Made by the Curators of the University Libraries with effect from 10 October 2014 (Gazette, Vol. 145, p. 2, 25 September 2014)

1. These regulations are made by the Curators in exercise of their responsibilities set out in section 3 of Statute VIII and in accordance with regulation 24.6(6) in Part 24 of Council Regulations 15 of 2002.


2. The Bodleian Libraries, as defined in section 2 of Statute VIII, operate as a single library service. These regulations shall apply to each and every facility within the Bodleian Libraries and the service as a whole.


3. A person may use a library only after being formally registered as a reader. With the exception of short-term readers admitted on day passes, all readers must have a valid University or Library Card.

4. All readers are deemed to have subscribed to, and must adhere to, the Bodleian Library declaration. The declaration reads:

"I hereby undertake not to remove from the Library, or to mark, deface, or injure in any way, any volume, document, or other object belonging to it or in its custody; not to bring into the Library or kindle therein any fire or flame, and not to smoke in the Library; and I promise to obey all rules of the Library."

Conduct in the Libraries

5. Additional rules relating to the conduct of readers in the Bodleian Libraries shall be as published from time to time by the Curators of the University Libraries (referred to in these regulations as the "Rules of Conduct" 1).

6. The Curators of the University Libraries shall ensure that the Rules of Conduct, as may be amended from time to time, are brought to the reasonable notice of all readers and visitors in the Libraries, and readers must adhere to them.

7. Unless otherwise dealt with by the Rules of Conduct, infringement or attempted infringement of these regulations or Rules of Conduct shall be dealt with under the disciplinary procedures of the University as set out in Statute XI and any associated regulations and protocols.

1 Note: Rules of Conduct in the Bodleian Libraries can be found at:

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