1. The University accepts with gratitude an anonymous benefaction of £20,000, together with such other sums as may be made available for the purpose, to establish a Molecular Biophysics Fund to promote research and teaching in Molecular Biophysics in the University’s Molecular Biophysics Laboratory.
2. The board of management of the fund shall be
(1) the David Phillips Professor of Molecular Biophysics;
(2) the Iveagh Professor of Microbiology;
(3) the Whitley Professor of Biochemistry.
3. The fund shall be used to help research students and other members of the Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics through the provision of grants for travel, for financial support, and for promotion of research and teaching in Molecular Biophysics, in circumstances in which other sources of funds are not readily available.
4. Awards shall normally be made from the income of the fund but in exceptional circumstances the board of management shall have power to make individual awards up to a total of £4,000 per annum or a sum equal to 20 per cent of the fund, whichever shall be the greater.
5. Income not expended in any one year shall be carried forward for expenditure in subsequent years.
6. Council shall have power to amend this decree from time to time, provided that the main object of the fund, as stated in clause 1 above, is always kept in view.