Part 39: Rawnsley Studentships

39.1. The main object of the bequest of Miss Hilda Mary Virtue Tebbs shall be the establishment of studentships which shall be named Rawnsley Studentships after Flight Lieutenant Derek Rawnsley, RAF, who died in 1942, and which shall be tenable at St Hugh’s College for the study of the Czech or Polish language and literature by Czech or Polish nationals or, should a suitable Czech or Polish national not be available, by some other person whose qualifications are considered suitable, or for the study of the English language and literature by Czech or Polish nationals.

39.2. The studentships shall be administered by the Governing Body of St Hugh’s College under the general control of the University.

39.3. The governing body shall make regulations for the award of the studentships and shall have power from time to time to amend the regulations so long as the conditions prescribed by the testatrix in her will are always adhered to (save only that the studentships may also be held by Czech or Polish nationals wishing to study the English language and literature).

39.4. The Investment Committee of Council shall have control of the investments of the trust fund and shall place the net income at the disposal of the governing body.

39.5. The term ‘Czech national’ shall include any national of either the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic and the term ‘Czech language and literature’ shall include all the languages and literatures of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.

39.6. Congregation may from time to time, subject to the consent of the Governing Body of St Hugh’s College, amend this Part so long as the main object of the bequest, as defined in section 39.1 above, is always kept in view.

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