1. The following sums, together with any further donations for this purpose, shall constitute funds with the names shown, the net income from which shall be used for the specific elements shown of the costs of the Rothermere American Institute:
(1) the sum of £2m from the Rhodes Trustees, the net income from which shall be put towards the general costs of the institute;
(2) the sum of £1.5m from an anonymous benefactor, the net income from which shall be used to finance a distinguished visitors’ programme for the institute;
(3) the sum of $400,000 from Mr Esmond Harmsworth, the net income from which shall be used to fund a visiting professorship in American Arts and Letters;
(4) the sum of $533,333 from Mrs Cynthia McLachlan, the sum of $533,333 from Mr Edward Burkhart, the sum of $275,208 from the Directors of Wisconsin Central, and the sum of $40,938 from Mr Thomas W. Rissman, the net income from which shall contribute to the costs of the Vere Harmsworth Library of the institute;
(5) the sum of $100,000 from Nigel and Helen Lovett to establish a fund to be known as the Vere Harmsworth Library Acquisitions Endowment Fund, the net income from which shall be used for the acquisition of library materials in that library;
(6) the sum of £1.5m from the Trustees of the Drue Heinz Trust, the net income from which shall be used to finance visits to Oxford by American scholars of Political Science, History, Economics, or International Relations.
2. (1) Income from funds established for library purposes shall be administered by the Curators of the University Libraries.
(2) The curators shall have power to delegate expenditure to the Director of University Library Services and Bodley’s Librarian, such delegation to be reviewed on an annual basis when the Director shall report to the curators all exercises of his or her delegated authority.
3. Income from funds established for purposes other than support of the library shall be administered by the Humanities Board (in consultation with the Social Sciences Board) under such arrangements as Council may from time to time decide for the governance of the institute.
4. Regulations 2 and 3 above may be amended by Council.
Previously in the Regulations concerning Other University Bodies