1. The University accepts with gratitude from the late Very Revd. Dr J.W.A. Hussey, former Dean of Chichester, the sum of £15,000, the net income from which shall be used in providing annually or biennially a lecture or series of lectures on the Church and the Arts to be known as The Hussey Lectures. In the appointment of lecturers the University shall take note of Dr Hussey’s hope that the lectures may especially strengthen the link between the Church and the Arts.
2. The fund shall be administered by a committee consisting of:
(1) a person appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be the chairman;
(2), (3) two persons elected by the Board of the Faculty of Theology;
(4) one person elected by the Board of the Faculty of Music;
(5) one person elected by the Committee for the Ruskin School of Art.
The member appointed under (1) shall hold office for such period as the ViceChancellor shall determine. The members elected under (2)-(5) shall hold office for three years. All members shall be re-eligible. Casual vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the period of the person demitting office.
3. Council shall have power to alter this decree from time to time, provided that at all times the main object of the founder be kept in view, namely the provision of lectures on the Church and the Arts to be known as The Hussey Lectures.