1. The University accepts with gratitude the gift of £8,000 donated by Professor R.N. Franklin, CBE, Honorary Fellow of Keble College, which together with moneys in the Gordon Francis Fund shall comprise the Hans von Engel and Gordon Francis Fund.
2. The fund shall be used
(a) for the award, by such judges as the body responsible for the administration of the fund may from time to time approve, of a prize, to be known as the von Engel Prize, to a person whom they consider to have made an outstanding contribution to the study of phenomena in ionized gases and plasma physics;
(b) to foster the study of phenomena in ionized gases and plasma physics in the University by
(i) the award of a prize, to be known as the Gordon Francis Prize, for meritorious performance in the M.Sc. in the Science and Applications of Electric Plasmas;
(ii) encouraging travel in connection with their research by members of the University doing research in the field indicated;
(iii) for other purposes consistent with the promotion of studies in this field.
3. Income not expended in any year shall be carried forward for expenditure in subsequent years.
4. The administration of the fund shall be under the direction of the Board of the Faculty of Physical Sciences, which may delegate the responsibility to an appropriate body.
5. Council shall have full power to alter this decree from time to time, provided always that the purposes of the fund, as stated in clause 2 above, shall be kept in view.