1. The University accepts with gratitude from the Most Hon. Bapsybanoo Marchioness of Winchester
(1) the sum of £50,000 to establish a fund the income from which shall be used to defray all costs associated with an annual visiting lecturership to be known as the Dasturzada Dr Jal Pavry Memorial Lecturership; and
(2) the sum of £50,000 to establish a fund the income from which shall be used to defray all costs associated with an annual visiting lecturership to be known as the Bapsybanoo Marchioness of Winchester Lecturership.
The two capital sums shall remain intact in perpetuity.
2. Each lecturer shall be appointed annually to lecture in International Relations, History, Philosophy, Religions of the World, Theology, Law, or any other academic subject which the Vice-Chancellor, after consultation with the management committee established under clause 3 below, shall consider appropriate.
3. The management of the income of the fund, including all arrangements for the lectures, shall be the responsibility of a committee consisting of eight persons, who shall be
(1) the Vice-Chancellor or his or her representative;
(2) one person appointed by the Board of the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division;
(3) one person appointed by the Board of the Medical Sciences Division;
(4) one person appointed by the Board of the Social Sciences Division;
(5) one person appointed by the Board of the Faculty of History;
(6) one person appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Philosophy;
(7) one person appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Law;
(8) one person appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Theology and Religion.
The members of the committee of management shall hold office for three years and shall be re-eligible.
4. Any income from each endowment not spent on the appropriate annual lecturership may at the discretion of the committee:
(a) be used to meet the cost of a second lecturer in the year in question;
(b) be carried forward for expenditure in a subsequent year;
(c) be invested in augmentation of the capital, for as long as this shall be permissible in law.
5. Council shall have power to alter this decree, provided that the main object of the two funds, as defined in clause 1 above, is always kept in view.