1. The University accepts with gratitude an anonymous benefaction which shall be used, together with any further donations for this purpose, to form a fund for the support of research within the University in African Studies in the Humanities, with reference to any of the regions or peoples of the African continent and its islands.
2. The Inter-faculty Committee for African Studies shall be the management committee for the fund.
3. The first call on the income of the fund shall be the maintenance of up to three scholarships, to be known as the ORISHA Studentships, tenable for up to four years each, by persons registered as graduate students of the University whose work involves the study of Africa in one or more of such of the following disciplines as the management committee for the fund shall from time to time determine using the criterion set out in clause 4 below:
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Human Geography
Politics and International Relations
Religious Studies
4. The management committee may add disciplines to those specified in clause 3 above, provided that the main object of the fund as defined in clause 1 above shall always be observed. In considering the disciplines in which scholarships shall be offered and in adding disciplines, the management committee shall take into account whether adequate supervision is available in the field in question, in the form of the presence of one or more permanent members of the academic staff with major research or teaching interests in African Studies.
5. The management committee shall make all necessary arrangements for each of the scholarships, including the determination of their respective values.
6. Any surplus income in the fund arising because scholarships are not awarded on any occasion or for any other reason shall be expended at the discretion of the management committee on the support of African Studies in the Humanities, including any expenditure necessary in subsequent years to cover the costs of scholarships already awarded, the provision of additional scholarships, the provision of funds for libraries, and the support of visiting scholars.
7. Council shall have power to amend this decree from time to time provided that the main object of the fund as defined in clause 1 above shall always be kept in view.