Council Regulations 3 of 2004

Made by Council on 14 July 2004

Amended on 27 July 2006, 22 February 2007, 12 July 2007, 18 March 2010, 22 July 2010 (date of effect 1 March 2008), 18 November 2010, 13 October 2011 (date of effect 1 October 2011), 8 November 2012, 28 February 2013, 17 May 2013, 1 January 2014 (Gazette, Vol.144, p.182, 12 December 2013), 22 May 2014 (Gazette, Vol.144, p.490), 17 July 2015 (Gazette, Vol.145, p.674-676, 2 July 2015), 17 March 2017 (Gazette, Vol. 147, p302, 2 March 2017), 1 September 2017 (Gazette Vol.147, p.551, 8 June 2017), 1 October 2017 (Gazette, Vol.147, p.531, 1 June 2017), 17 November 2017 (Gazette, Vol.148, p.117, 2 November 2017), 24 November 2017 (Gazette, Vol.148, p.129-130, 9 November 2017), 7 December 2017 (Gazette, Vol.148, p.148, 23 November 2017), 23 November (Gazette, Vol.149, p.130, 8 November 2018),17 October 2023 (Gazette, Vol.154, p. 4, 21 September 2023) and 31 May 2024 (Gazette, Vol. 154, p. 436, 16 May 2024).

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1. Responsibility, under Council, for matters relating to the employment of University staff (including the grant of sick leave) shall, except to the extent that Council may decide otherwise, rest with:

(1) divisional boards, in respect of academic staff as set out in regulation 1 (5) of Council Regulations 17 of 2002;

(2) departments and institutions, in respect of academic-related and support staff. (Support staff are those university employees who are not covered by the Visitatorial Board arrangements under Statute XII of the University Statutes'); and

(3) PRAC in respect of the establishment of new statutory posts;

in each instance subject to the statutes and regulations, including the financial regulations, and to relevant policies and guidelines issued from time to time by the People Committee of Council (referred to in these regulations as "the People Committee").

2. Terms and conditions of employment for all staff shall be as determined from time to time by the People Committee, having regard to the University's Equal Opportunities Policy and Race Equality Policy.

3. Salary payments, including payments on discretionary points on relevant salary scales, and any other payments for recruitment, retention, merit, and other purposes, may only be made in accordance with detailed provisions made by the People Committee.

4. (1) Subject to statutory provisions, University sick pay shall be available in appropriate circumstances for the minimum periods specified in Table 1 below, according to length of service with the University, and in accordance with rules set by the People Committee from time to time:

Table 1: University Sick Pay


Full pay

Half pay


(inclusive of any university sick pay given in the twelve months preceding the latest period of sick pay)

First three months

2 weeks

2 weeks

Remaining nine months of first year

2 months

2 months

Second and third years

3 months

3 months

Fourth and fifth years

5 months

5 months

After fifth year

6 months

6 months


(2) (a) In the case of employees whose entitlement to Statutory Sick Pay in accordance with the appropriate legislation is exhausted, or who are not eligible for Statutory Sick Pay, the University shall (except in the case of CUF lecturers) make deductions from full pay of the amount of any state incapacity benefit and other linked benefits claimed.

(b) Deductions from half pay shall only be made in cases where the total amount of half pay plus benefits exceeds full pay, in which cases a deduction of an amount equal to the excess shall be made.

(c) All such deductions shall be subject to the statutory three-day waiting period.

5. Arrangements for the grading, regrading, and promotion of staff, and for the conferment of appropriate titles on suitably qualified individuals, shall be subject to policy and practice as determined from time to time by the People Committee.

6. No member of staff (with the exception of CUF lecturers) may hold any other appointment without the express permission of the relevant head of department, chair of faculty board, or head of division, as appropriate, subject to the provisions of Council Regulations 5 of 2004.

7. Any person may elect to retire to pension at, or at any time after, the minimum pension age stipulated in the rules of the pension scheme to which he or she belongs, as may be amended from time to time. Retirement benefits payable will be in accordance with the rules of the pension scheme.

8. In fulfilling their responsibilities under regulation 1 above, divisional boards shall have particular regard to the following provisions.

(1) The duties and terms and conditions of employment of all members of the academic staff (in general and in particular cases) shall be as determined by the relevant divisional board in the light of policy and practice as set from time to time by the People Committee.

(2) It shall be the duty of every holder of an office the duties of which include teaching or research and to which appointment is made by, or is subject to the approval of, a divisional board to act as an examiner or assessor as and when requested to do so by a competent body unless he or she can show reasonable cause, to the satisfaction of the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors, why on a particular occasion he or she should not do so; except that that this duty shall not apply to:

(a) any holder of the title of university lecturer, faculty lecturer, or CUF lecturer who is not in receipt of any stipend from the University and who is in the first three years of his or her non-stipendiary office;

(b) the holder of any other non-stipendiary office in the University;

(c) the holder of any relevant stipendiary office in the University who was appointed to that office (with tenure to the retiring age) before 1 October 1972.

(3) It shall be the duty of every holder of an office the duties of which include teaching or research and to which appointment is made by, or is subject to the approval of, a divisional board (other than instructors and lectors), of every holder of the title of clinical lecturer, and, with effect from the beginning of the fourth year of his or her non-stipendiary office, of every holder of the title of university lecturer, faculty lecturer, or CUF lecturer to act as the supervisor of a graduate student as and when requested to do so by a competent body unless he or she can show reasonable cause, to the satisfaction of the competent body concerned, why on a particular occasion he or she should not do so; except that this duty shall not apply to:

(a) the holder of any relevant stipendiary office in the University whose appointment was made or advertised before 1 April 1986;

(b) the holder of any non-stipendiary office on whom the relevant university title was conferred before 1 April 1988.

9. The following persons shall be eligible to apply for the title of professor of practice:

(1) all those in grades 9, 10, and RS IV; and

(2) all those in the grade of associate professor.

10. The title of professor of practice shall be conferred in accordance with regulation 5 above.

11. Without prejudice to their position under the statutes and regulations, the following persons shall be eligible to use the title of associate professor:

(1) all those holding the post of reader (including clinical readers);

(2) titular CUF lecturers and university lecturers;

(3) supernumerary titular CUF lecturers and university lecturers;

(4) all those in the grade of RS IV;

(5) Wellcome Principal Research Fellows;

(6) honorary consultant MRC directors;

(7) keepers in the major museums and scientific collections whose contractual duties include teaching and research;

(8) researchers holding the title of reader; and

(9) staff in the major museums and scientific collections holding the title of reader.

12. The following shall hold the title of Professor Emeritus:

(1) any person who has retired over the age of 60 from a professorship, including a personal or titular professorship;

(2) any person who has retired from a professorship and on whom the title has been conferred by resolution of Council.

13. The following shall hold the title of Reader Emeritus:

(1) any person who has retired over the age of 60 from a readership, including a personal or titular readership;

(2) any person who has retired from a readership and on whom the title has been conferred by resolution of Council.

14. Sabbatical leave, or equivalent dispensation from prescribed duties for CUF lecturers, may be granted by divisional boards subject to the provisions of section 12 of Statute XIV, and in the light of policy and practice as determined from time to time by the People Committee, subject to the provisions of Council Regulations 4 of 2004.

15. Special leave (with or without stipend) and complete or partial dispensation from prescribed duties, outside the provisions of regulation 12 above, may be granted by divisional boards in the light of policy and practice as determined from time to time by the People Committee.

16. (1) Appointments of university lecturers (including CUF lecturers, faculty lecturers, and special (non-CUF) lecturers) shall be for up to five years in the first instance, at the end of which period a lecturer shall be eligible for reappointment to the retiring age, or for one further limited period of office, subject to policy and practice as determined from time to time by the People Committee.

(2) Divisional boards may however appoint directly to the retiring age a lecturer who has already served an initial term and has been reappointed to the retiring age under the provisions of this regulation in respect of some other appointment.

17. Fixed-term appointments to professorships, readerships, and lecturerships may be made in appropriate circumstances, on condition that temporary appointments of lecturers may only be made to cover leave granted to established staff or to cover emergency teaching needs, subject to policy and practice as determined from time to time by the People Committee.

18. (1) Every professor or reader who is employed by the University (including those holding personal professorships or readerships, and the title of professor or reader conferred otherwise than in a recognition of distinction exercise), unless individually exempted, shall be obliged to accept the headship of the department in which his or her post is held if requested to do so by the divisional board.

(2) This obligation shall not apply to:

(a) any person holding the title of reader or professor conferred in a recognition of distinction exercise;

(b) the holder of any professorship or readership who accepted appointment to that post before 1 October 1994 and whose contract of employment did not contain such an obligation.

19. The duties of heads of department shall be as determined from time to time by the People Committee, subject to any appropriate local supplementary provisions determined by each divisional board.

20. (1) Any allowances payable in respect of the duties and responsibilities of heads of department shall be as determined from time to time by the People Committee, subject to the approval of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee of Council as to the financial implications of any proposed amendments.

(2) Allowances for responsibilities below the level of head of department shall be as determined by the relevant divisional board, subject to provisions as determined from time to time by the People Committee.

General provisions for electoral boards

21. Where the appointment to a professorship, readership, lecturership, or directorship is vested in an electoral board, the proceedings of the electoral board shall be subject to policy and practice as determined from time to time by Council on the recommendation of the People Committee.

22. (1) Before each appointment is made, the relevant previous detailed provisions in respect of the post shall be reviewed by the divisional board and the college concerned in the light of general policy and practice;

(2) changes to the detailed provisions for an individual post shall be subject to the approval of the General Purposes Committee of Council.

23. Electoral boards shall be composed as laid down in the detailed provisions for the post in question, on condition that in all cases (with the exception of the posts listed in regulation 24 below) they:

(1) shall be composed of not fewer than seven, or more than nine electors, unless Council shall determine otherwise;

(2) shall contain not fewer than two electors, at least one of whom must be nominated by the relevant faculty board or divisional board, who at the time the board meets are external persons, and who are not normally both from the same institution;

(3) in the case of clinical professorships, shall contain a person appointed by the body or bodies which may issue an honorary clinical contract or contracts to the professor;

(4) shall reflect in its composition the relevant provisions of the University's Equal Opportunities Policy and Race Equality Policy;

(5) shall contain the head of the division in which the post is held, or his or her nominee, unless on a particular occasion the head of division waives this right;

(6) shall contain the head of the college to which the post is allocated and one other member appointed by that college.

24. Electoral boards shall have the right to make appointments on their own authority, subject to policy and practice as determined from time to time by the People Committee, without the need for referral to any other university body.

25. Appointments made by electoral boards shall be directly to the retiring age, except:

(1) that Council has agreed (under the provisions of regulation 15 above) that a fixed-term appointment may be made for a period not exceeding ten years;

(2) in the case of the posts listed in Table 2 below.

Table 2: Electoral Board posts not tenable to the retiring age

  • Grinfield Lecturership on the Septuaguint
  • Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Professorship of American History
  • George Eastman Visiting Professorship
  • Newton-Abraham Visiting Professorship
  • Slade Professorship of Fine Art
  • Ford's Lecturership in British History
  • Professorship of Poetry
  • Wilde Lecturership in Natural and Comparative Religion
  • Speaker's Lecturership in Biblical Studies
  • John Locke Lecturership in Philosophy
  • James P.R. Lyell Readership in Bibliography
  • O'Donnell Lecturership in Celtic Studies

26. The posts listed in Table 3 below shall not be subject to the provisions in paragraphs (1) and (2) of regulation 21 above, concerning the number of electors and the requirement for two to be external to Oxford, and their electors shall, unless it is provided otherwise by statute or regulation, hold office for five years, and shall be eligible for re-election thereafter.

Table 3: Posts not subject to the normal provisions for Electoral Boards

  • Regius Professorships
  • Professorships to which a canonry is attached
  • Aldrichian Professorship of Medicine
  • Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Professorship of American History
  • George Eastman Visiting Professorship
  • Newton-Abraham Visiting Professorship
  • Professorship of Poetry on the Foundation of Henry Birkhead
  • Slade Professorship of Fine Art
  • University Lecturership in Spanish
  • James P.R. Lyell Readership in Bibliography
  • John Locke Lecturership in Philosophy
  • Ford's Lecturership in British History
  • Grinfield Lecturership on the Septuaguint
  • Romanes Lecturership
  • Herbert Spencer Lecturership
  • Speaker's Lecturership in Biblical Studies
  • Wilde Lecturership in Natural and Comparative Religion
  • Halley Lecturership
  • Ratanbai Katrak Lecturership
  • John Wilfred Jenkinson Memorial Lecturership
  • Bampton Lecturership
  • Sidney Ball Lecturership
  • O'Donnell Lecturership in Celtic Studies
  • Litchfield Lecturerships
  • Cherwell-Simon Lecturership
  • Cyril Foster Lecturership
  • Estlin Carpenter Lecturership
  • Hensley Henson Lecturership
  • J.M. Gibson Lecturership
  • Maurice Lubbock Lecturership
  • Myres Memorial Lecturership
  • Sir Basil Zaharoff Lecturership
  • Taylorian Lecturership
  • William Cohn Memorial Lecturership
  • G.E. Blackman Lecturership
  • Nellie Wallace Lecturership
  • John French Memorial Lecturership

 27. Unless dispensed under the provisions of regulations 12 and 13 above, non-clinical professors shall reside within the University (i.e. within a twenty-five-mile radius of Carfax) for at least six months in each academic year between 1 October and 1 August, and in particular during not less than six weeks in each term; and clinical professors shall reside within the University during forty weeks in each academic year.

28. Except when they are earned by a professor as the supervisor of graduate students, as an academic adviser under the regulations for Recognised Students, or (subject to the approval of the divisional board concerned, including approval as to the length of time for which the permission shall be given) in respect of tutorial teaching for up to four hours a week (exceptionally up to six hours per week), any fees received for other lectures or instruction in the University given by any professor (except those enumerated in Tables 2 and 3 of these regulations) shall be applied towards meeting the expenses of the department of which he or she is head, or, if he or she is not head of a department, shall be paid to the University's General Revenue Account.

 29. Holders of clinical academic posts with honorary consultant contracts in the National Health Service shall be permitted to engage in private practice in the hospitals in Oxford on such terms as the People Committee on the recommendation of the Medical Sciences Board shall from time to time determine, and on condition that any private practice of that kind:

(1) shall be undertaken only in the name of the individual clinician concerned; and

(2) shall be subject to the same arrangements specified by the People Committee from time to time under regulation 6 above for the holding of consultancies and outside appointments by university employees.

 30. The persons listed in Table 4 below shall be entitled to hold a fellowship in a college or society, in addition to those enumerated in section 12 of Statute XIV:

Table 4: Persons whose offices entitle them to hold fellowships

  • Director of the Ashmolean Museum
  • Keepers of departments in the Ashmolean Museum
  • Bodley's Librarian and Director of University Library Services
  • Keepers in Bodley's Library
  • Director of the History of Science Museum
  • Director of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History
  • Director of the Pitt Rivers Museum
  • Librarian of the Taylor Institution
  • Director of the Careers Service
  • Director of Postgraduate Medical Education and Training
  • Peter Moores Director of the Saïd Business School

31. The persons listed in Table 5 below shall be qualified to hold professorial fellowships, except that they shall no longer be qualified to hold such a fellowship if they cease to hold the post in respect of which they were elected.

Table 5: Persons qualified to hold professorial fellowships

  • The Vice-Chancellor
  • The Registrar
  • The Director of the Ashmolean Museum
  • The Keeper of the Department of Antiquities
  • The Keeper of the Heberden Coin Room
  • The Keeper of the Department of Eastern Art
  • The Keeper of the Department of Western Art
  • The Director of the Careers Service
  • The Librarian of the Taylor Institution
  • The Director of the Computing Services
  • The Peter Moores Director of the Saïd Business School
  • The Director of Postgraduate Medical Education and Training
  • The Director of the History of Science Museum
  • The Director of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History
  • The Director of the Pitt Rivers Museum
  • The Secretary to the Delegates of the University Press
  • The Senior Officers of the University Press who are members of the Finance Committee of the University Press
  • The Warden of Rhodes House
  • Bodley's Librarian and Director of University Library Services
  • The Keepers in Bodley's Library
  • The OULS Head of Reader Services
  • The OULS Head of the Social Science Libraries
  • The OULS Head of Systems and e-Research Services
  • The OULS Head of Technical Services
  • A stipendiary or titular professor (unless the title has been conferred in a recognition of distinction exercise)
  • A reader
  • Any post-holder who is paid on grade ALC6 for senior library, administrative, and computer staff, or grade RSIV for senior research staff.

32. Any allowances payable in respect of the duties of committee chairs shall be on a scale as determined from time to time by the General Purposes Committee, subject to the approval of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee of Council as to the financial implications of any proposed amendments. The General Purposes Committee shall, on the recommendation of the Registrar, have discretion to determine in exceptional circumstances whether a chair should be paid an allowance for a fixed term and the scale point to be paid in each case.

Amended on 5 May 2005, 14 July 2005, 12 January 2006, 11 October 2007, 6 March 2008, 19 March 2008, 1 May 2008, 22 May 2008, 12 June 2008, 25 September 2008, 29 January 2009, 5 February 2009, 19 March 2009, 14 May 2009, 26 June 2009, 30 July 2009, 24 September 2009, 10 December 2009, 4 February 2010, 13 May 2010, 17 June 2010, 22 July 2010, 4 November 2010, 9 December 2010, 24 February 2011, 28 April 2011, 19 May 2011, 9 June 2011, 30 June 2011, 28 July 2011, 17 November 2011, 9 February 2012, 5 July 2012, 4 June 2013, 25 October 2013, 31 January 2014, 30 May 2014, 8 August 2014, 30 January 2015, 8 May 2015, 26 June 2015, 7 August 2015, 13 November 2015 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 98, 29 October 2015; p. 166, 26 November 2015), 29 January 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 224, 14 January 2016; p. 410, 24 March 2016), 3 June 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 526, 19 May 2016), 1 July 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 632, 16 June 2016), 5 August 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 713-714, 21 July 2016), 14 October 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 147, p. 10, 29 September 2016), 11 November 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 147, p. 94, 27 October 2016), 17 March 2017 (Gazette, Vol. 147, p302, 2 March 2017), 7 July 2017 (Gazette Vol.147, p.582, 22 June 2017), 21 July 2017 (Gazette, Vol.147, p.608, 6 July 2017) and 2 February 2018 (Gazette, Vol.148, p.212, 18 January 2018), 16 February 2018 (Gazette, Vol.148, p.248, 1 February 2018), 25 May 2018 (Gazette, Vol.148, p.455, 10 May 2018), 9 November 2018 (Gazette, Vol.149, p.98, 25 October 2018), 23 November (Gazette, Vol.149, p.130, 8 November 2018), 7 December 2018 (Gazette, Vol.149, p.154, 22 November 2018), 7 June 2019 (Gazette, Vol.149, p468, 23 May 2019), 26 July 2019 (Gazette, Vol.149, p.608, 11 July 2019), 8 November 2019 (Gazette, Vol.150, p.76, 24 October 2019), 21 February 2020 (Gazette, Vol.150, p.236, 6 February 2020),16 October 2020 (Gazette, Vol.151, p.10, 1 October 2020), 19 February 2021 (Gazette, Vol.151, p.222, 4 February 2021), 7 May 2021 (Gazette, Vol.151, p 354, 22 April 2021),10 December 2021 (Gazette, Vol.152, p.124, 25 November 2021), 11 February 2022 (Gazette, Vol.152, p.184, 27 January 2022) and 18 February 2022 (Gazette, Vol. 152, p.196, 3 February 2022), 18 March 2022 (Gazette, Vol.152, p.248-249, 3 March 2022), 22 July 2022 (Gazette, Vol. 152, p. 485, 7 July 2022) and 9 December 2022 (Gazette, Vol.153, p.124, 24 November 2022) and 8 March 2023 (Gazette Vol. 152, p.512, 21 July 2022).


Table 6: Schedule of Statutory Professorships

  • Professor in the Study of the Abrahamic Religions
  • Drue Heinz Professor of American Literature
  • Professor of the Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
  • Dr Lee's Professor of Anatomy
  • Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon
  • Professor of Biological Anthropology
  • Professors (two) of Social Anthropology
  • Abdulaziz Saud AlBabtain Laudian Professor in Arabic
  • Khalid bin Abdullah Al Saud Professor for the Study
  • of the Contemporary Arab World
  • Edward Hall Professor of Archaeological Science
  • Professor of the Archaeology of the Roman Empire
  • Lincoln Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art
  • Professor of European Archaeology
  • Calouste Gulbenkian Professor of Armenian Studies
  • Slade Professor of Fine Art
  • Professor of the History of Art
  • Savilian Professor of Astronomy
  • Philip Wetton Professor of Astrophysics
  • Laing O'Rourke/RAEng Professor of Automation in Construction
  • Whitley Professor of Biochemistry
  • Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity
  • Professor of Bioinformatics
  • Glaxo Professor of Cellular Pathology
  • E.P. Abraham Professor of Cell Biology
  • César Milstein Professor of Cancer Cell Biology
  • E.P. Abraham Professor of Mechanistic Cell Biology
  • Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professorship of Developmental and Stem Cell Biology as Applied to Medicine
  • Professor of Chemical Biology
  • Professor of Integrative Systems Biology
  • Professor of Mathematical Biology
  • Brownlee-Abraham Professor of Molecular Biology
  • Professor of Radiation Oncology and Biology
  • David Phillips Professor of Molecular Biophysics
  • Sherardian Professor of Botany
  • Numata Professorship of Buddhist Studies
  • Professor of Cancer Genetics
  • Jesus Professor of Celtic
  • Dr Lee's Professor of Chemistry
  • Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
  • Coulson Professor of Theoretical Chemistry
  • Professor of the Study of Contemporary China
  • Shaw Professor of Chinese
  • Professor of Computing
  • Professor of Computing Science
  • Professor of Computing Systems
  • Professor of Criminology
  • Professor of Development and Reproduction
  • Regius Professor of Divinity
  • Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity
  • Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and Ethics
  • Professors (four) of Economics
  • BP Professor of Economics
  • Edgeworth Professor of Economics
  • Sir John Hicks Professor of Economics
  • James Meade Professor of Economics
  • Nuffield Professor of Economics
  • Professor of Development Economics
  • Professors (three) of Education
  • Professor of Education and Children’s Social Care
  • Professor of Egyptology
  • Professor of Biomedical Engineering
  • Technikos Professor of Biomedical Engineering
  • Donald Pollock Professor of Chemical Engineering
  • Professor of Civil Engineering
  • Professor of Computational Aerothermal Engineering
  • Professor of Control Engineering
  • Professor of Electrical Engineering
  • Professor of Sustainable Energy Engineering
  • Professor of Biomaterials
  • BP Professor of Information Engineering
  • Professor of Materials Engineering
  • Professor of Mechanical Engineering
  • Merton Professor of English Language and Literature
  • Goldsmiths' Professor of English Literature
  • Merton Professor of English Literature
  • Thomas Warton Professor of English Literature
  • J.R.R. Tolkien Professor of English Literature and Language
  • Professor of Environment and Public Policy
  • Man Professor in Quantitative Finance
  • Wood Professor of Forest Science
  • Professor of French Literature
  • Marshal Foch Professor of French Literature
  • Professor of Genetics
  • Professor of Geochemistry
  • Professor of Geography
  • Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography
  • Professor of Human Geography
  • Professor of Physical Geography
  • Professor of Geology
  • Savilian Professor of Geometry
  • Professor of Geophysics
  • Professor of Geosystem Sciences
  • Schwarz-Taylor Professor of the German Language and Literature
  • Professor of German Medieval and Linguistic Studies
  • Gladstone Professor of Government
  • Blavatnik Professor of Government and Public Policy
  • Andrew W. Mellon Professor of American Government
  • John Gilbert Winant Visiting Professor of American Government
  • Regius Professor of Greek
  • Stavros Niarchos Foundation–Bywater and Sotheby Professor of Byzantine and Modern Greek Language and Literature
  • Alfred Landecker Professor of Values and Public Policy
  • Regius Professor of Hebrew
  • Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Professor of American History
  • Rhodes Professor of American History
  • Camden Professor of Ancient History
  • Wykeham Professor of Ancient History
  • Beit Professor of Global and Imperial History
  • Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History
  • Chichele Professor of Economic History
  • Professor of Economic and Social History
  • Professor of Economic History
  • Professor of Indian History and Culture
  • Professor of Irish History
  • Professor of the History of Latin America
  • Chichele Professor of Medieval History
  • Regius Professor of History
  • Professor of Modern History
  • Professor of the History of Science
  • Chichele Professor of the History of War
  • Professor of Informatics
  • Alastair Buchan Professor of International Relations
  • Montague Burton Professor of International Relations
  • Lester B. Pearson Professor of International Relations
  • Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation
  • Professor of Internet Studies
  • Professor of Society and the Internet
  • Ieoh Ming Pei Professor in Islamic Art and Architecture
  • His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani Professor in Contemporary Islamic Studies
  • Agnelli-Serena Professor of Italian Studies
  • Nissan Professor of Modern Japanese Studies
  • Professor of Jurisprudence
  • Rupert Murdoch Professor of Language and Communication
  • Corpus Christi Professor of Latin
  • Herbert Smith Professor of English Private Law
  • Professor of Law and Finance
  • Regius Professor of Civil Law
  • Freshfields Professorship of Commercial Law
  • Professor of Comparative Law
  • Allen & Overy Professor of Corporate Law
  • Professor of English Law
  • Vinerian Professor of English Law
  • Jacques Delors Professor of European Community Law
  • Professor of Intellectual Property and Information
  • Technology Law
  • Chichele Professor of Public International Law
  • Professor of Taxation Law
  • Professor of the Philosophy of Law
  • Rhodes Professor of the Laws of the British Commonwealth and the United States
  • Professor of Linguistics
  • Wykeham Professor of Logic
  • Professor of Mathematical Logic
  • BT Professor of Major Programme Management
  • Professors (two) of Management Studies
  • Ernest Butten Professor of Management Studies
  • Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies
  • Dubai Ports World Professorship of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • American Standard Companies Professor of Operations Management
  • Professor of Marketing
  • L'Oréal Professor in Marketing
  • Professor of Energy Materials
  • Vesuvius Professorship of Materials
  • Professor of Materials Modelling
  • Professor of the Physical Examination of Materials
  • Professor of Mathematical Finance
  • Professor of Mathematical Modelling
  • Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics
  • Wallis Professor of Mathematics
  • Professor of Mathematics and its Applications
  • Professor of Pure Mathematics
  • Waynflete Professor of Pure Mathematics
  • Isaac Wolfson Professor of Materials
  • Professor of Microbiology
  • Iveagh Professor of Microbial Biochemistry
  • Professor of Musculoskeletal Sciences
  • Heather Professor of Music
  • Professor of Translational Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Professor of Nanomaterials
  • Professor of Numerical Analysis
  • Visiting Professor of Opera Studies
  • Edward Grey Professor of Field Ornithology
  • Luc Hoffmann Professor of Field Ornithology
  • Jeremy Griffiths Professor of Medieval English Palaeography
  • E.P. Abraham Professor of Chemical Pathology
  • Masoumeh and Fereydoon Soudavar Professor of Persian Studies
  • Professor of Pharmacology
  • Diebold Professor of Comparative Philology
  • Professor of Ancient Philosophy
  • Dr Lee's Professor of Experimental Philosophy
  • Wilde Professor of Mental Philosophy
  • Waynflete Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy
  • White's Professor of Moral Philosophy
  • Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy
  • Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion
  • Halley Professor of Physics
  • Wykeham Professor of Physics
  • Henry Moseley Centenary Professor of Experimental Physics
  • Donald H Perkins Professor of Experimental Physics
  • Hooke Professor of Experimental Physics
  • Waynflete Professor of Physiology
  • British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology
  • Hans Krebs Professor of Physiological Metabolism
  • Sibthorpian Professor of Plant Science
  • Professor of Poetry
  • Drummond Professor of Political Economy
  • King John II Professor of Portuguese Studies
  • Nuffield Professor of Comparative Politics
  • Edward Orsborn Professorship of US Politics and Political History
  • Professor of Psychology
  • Watts Professor of Psychology
  • Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science
  • Rhodes Professor of Race Relations
  • Professor of the Romance Languages
  • Professor of Russian
  • Boden Professor of Sanskrit
  • Professor of Science and Civilisation
  • Professor of Technology and Social Change
  • Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion
  • Dean Ireland's Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture
  • Oriel and Laing Professor of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture
  • Barnett Professor of Social Policy
  • Professor of Evidence-Based Intervention and Policy Evaluation
  • Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory
  • Nuffield Professor of Sociology
  • Professor of Sociology
  • Professor of Sociology and Social Policy
  • Professor of Social Policy
  • King Alfonso XIII Professor of Spanish Studies
  • Professors (two) of Statistics
  • Professor of Statistics in the Social Sciences
  • Professor of Applied Statistics
  • Professor of Statistical Science
  • Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology
  • Donald Schultz Professor of Turbomachinery
  • Professor of Scientific Visualisation
  • Professor of Zoology
  • Linacre Professor of Zoology
  • Hope Professor of Zoology (Entomology)
  • George Eastman Visiting Professor
  • Newton-Abraham Visiting Professor
  • Waynflete Professor of Chemistry
  • Professor of Pathology
  • Professor of Socio-Legal Studies
  • Nuffield Professor of Anaesthetic Science
  • Professor of Clinical Biochemistry
  • Richard Doll Professorship of Epidemiology and Medicine
  • Professor of Gynaecological Cancer
  • Sidney Truelove Professor of Gastroenterology
  • Lee Placito Professor of Gastroenterological Disease
  • Nuffield Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences
  • Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences
  • Professor of Biostatics in Genomics
  • Professor of Disease Genomics
  • Professor of Genomics and Global Health
  • Professor of Clinical Geratology
  • Professor of Cancer Biology
  • Regius Professor of Medicine
  • May Professor of Medicine
  • Osler Professor of Medicine
  • Radcliffe Professor of Medicine
  • Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Field Marshal Alexander Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Nuffield Professor of Clinical Medicine
  • Professor of Diabetic Medicine
  • Professor of Metabolic Endocrinology
  • Robert Turner Professor of Diabetic Medicine
  • Professor of Molecular and Population Genetics
  • Professor of Molecular Medicine
  • Norman Collisson Professor of Musculo-skeletal Pathology
  • Herbert Dunhill Professor of Neuro-imaging
  • Professor of Paediatric Neuroimaging
  • Professor of Neuroimmunology
  • Professor of Paediatric Neuromuscular Disease
  • Barclay-Williams Professor of Molecular Immunology
  • Action Research Professor of Clinical Neurology
  • Professor of Neuropathology
  • Michael Davys Professor of Neuroscience
  • Nuffield Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Cancer Research UK Professor of Medical Oncology
  • Margaret Ogilvie's Professor of Ophthalmology
  • Hoffmann and Action Medical Research Professor in Developmental Medicine
  • Nuffield Professor of Pathology
  • Radcliffe Professor of Pathology
  • Professor of Medical Statistics
  • Rhodes Professor of Experimental Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology
  • Nuffield Professor of Population Health
  • W.A. Handley Professor of Psychiatry
  • Cheryl and Reece Scott Professor of Psychiatry
  • Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Professor of Old Age Psychiatry
  • Professor of Social Psychiatry
  • Professor of Epidemiology
  • Professor of Respiratory Medicine
  • Nuffield Professor of Surgery
  • Nuffield Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Professor of Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery
  • Professor of Surgical Sciences
  • Professor of Transplantation
  • Kadoorie Professor of Trauma Rehabilitation
  • Professor of Bibliography and Modern Book History
  • Climax Professor of Clinical Therapeutics
  • Kidani Professor of Immuno-Oncology
  • Valerie Beral Professor of Epidemiology
  • Richard Peto Professor of Epidemiology
  • Alexander Mosley Professor of Biophysics
  • Richard Blackwell Pharsalia Trust Professor of Colorectal Surgery
  • DeepMind Professor of Artificial Intelligence
  • Regius Professor of Mathematics
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton Professor of Women’s History
  • Bennett Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine
  • Professor of Molecular Immunology
  • Jonathan Cooper Professor of the History of Sexualities
  • Kidani Professor of Cancer Immuno-Therapeutics
  • Primary Care Research Trust Mercian Chair of Primary Care
  • Poonawalla Professor of Biotechnology
  • Dame Louise Richardson Professor in Global Security
  • Chair of Translational Medicine

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