Nominations Committee

The role of the Nominations Committee is to recommend candidates for external membership of Council, and to keep under review the criteria for the selection and election of members. The committee also makes recommendations regarding the re-nomination of external members. The committee’s recommendations go to Council, who then make proposals to Congregation for the appointment of new external members.

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Membership as at MT 2024 will be as follows:

  Name Conditions of appointment Until
[1] Mr Charles Harman (Chair) A person appointed by Council from among current or former external members of Council MT 2027
[2] Ms Wendy Becker A person appointed by Council from among current external members of Council HT 2027
[3] Lapsed vacancy (vice Mr Tom Fletcher, Hertford) A person appointed by Council from among the members of Council  
[4] Senior Proctor (Professor Thomas Adcock, St Peter's) One of the Proctors or the Assessor ex officio as may be agreed between them ex officio
[5] Professor Proochista Ariana (Nuffield Department of Medicine) A person appointed by Council from among the members of Council elected by Congregation who is a member of a faculty within the divisions of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences or Medical Sciences MT 2026
[6] Professor Charles Godfray  (Oxford Martin School) A person appointed by Council from among the members of Council elected by Congregation who is a member of a faculty within the divisions of Humanities or Social Sciences MT 2026
[7] Mr Lukasz Bohdan (Assurance Directorate) One of four members of Congregation elected by Congregation MT 2026
[8] Professor Soumitra Dutta (Said Business School)  One of four members of Congregation elected by Congregation

MT 2026

[9] Professor Helen Small (English) ) One of four members of Congregation elected by Congregation MT 2025
[10] Lapsed vacancy (vice Professor Helen McShane, Harris Manchester) One of four members of Congregation elected by Congregation  
Secretary: Planning and Council Secretariat (Louise Hasler)

The Nominations Committee meets only as necessary when there are vacancies on Council for external members.


For the regulations of the Nominations Committee, please click here:


Contact us

Louise Hasler

Assistant Registrar (Governance)

Planning and Council Secretariat


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