1.1. The Student Life Subcommittee of Education Committee shall consist of:
(1) a Chair appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of Education Committee;
(2) one of the Proctors or the Assessor as may be agreed between them;
(3) the Chair of the Conference of Colleges Welfare Forum, or any successor body;
(4) a Senior Tutor elected by the Conference of Colleges;
(5) a Domestic Bursar elected by the Conference of Colleges;
(6) a College Dean elected by the Conference of Colleges;
(7) a Bursar elected by the Conference of Colleges;
(8)-(11) four persons representing the Academic Divisions, one from each appointed by their Divisional Boards;
(12) a person representing the Department for Continuing Education;
(13) a person appointed by the Head of Gardens, Libraries and Museums division (GLAM);
(14) the President of Oxford SU;
(15)-(17) three other student representatives appointed by Oxford SU;
(18) the Academic Registrar or nominee.
1.2. With the approval of the Education Committee on each occasion, the Subcommittee may co-opt up to two additional members.
1.3. Elected, appointed or co-opted members shall hold office for a period of three years and shall be eligible to serve for a total period of six years.
1.4. The Student Life Subcommittee shall be responsible to Education Committee for the oversight, implementation and review of the University’s strategy and policy on non-academic aspects of student life and experience, including student representation. The Subcommittee shall work closely with other committees and groups whose remits cover student experience issues.
1.5. In the exercise of its responsibilities the Subcommittee shall:
(a) promote and enhance student life and experience, including but not limited to:
(i) Promoting student health and wellbeing
(ii) Promoting student extra-curricular activities
(b) oversee policies and procedures relating to student life and experience to engage in audit and review of these;
(c) consider key measures of the student experience and lead necessary actions to improve and enhance, in particular around student community and student voice;
(d) assure the effectiveness of the student representation system;
(e) consider systematic student feedback on student life and experience provision;
(f) oversee the strategic direction of University student services including:
(i) all Student Wellbeing and Support Services;
(ii) all services of Oxford University Careers Service; and
(g) oversee the operation of the University Hardship Committee and Fitness to Study Panel receiving reports annually on their operation and on policy issues arising from their operation;
(h) oversee the operation of the Common Framework on Supporting Disabled Students;
(i) promote student progression and completion through career guidance and provision of broader developmental provision (eg internships)
(j) act on behalf of the Central University Research Ethics Committee (CUREC) to consider and secure ethics approval for Oxford SU research projects involving human participants and special category data and/or vulnerable student groups where such research does not fall under a subcommittee of CUREC;
(k) carry out the responsibilities of Council under Statute XIII Part A: Students’ union and consultation with student members, including receiving all reports, budget estimates, constitutional amendments, and other business of Oxford SU and shall make recommendations to Council;
(l) The Subcommittee shall receive all proposed variations to the terms of the University's annual grant to Oxford SU and make recommendations to the Budget Planning Subcommittee.
(m) make an annual report to Council via Education Committee on the work of the Subcommittee.
1.6. The Subcommittee shall meet at least once a term.