Research and Innovation Committee Membership

  Name Conditions of appointment Until
[1] Professor Patrick Grant Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) who shall chair the committee ex officio
 [2] Professor Chas Bountra The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Innovation), deputy chair of the committee  ex officio
[3] Senior Proctor, Professor Thomas Adcock One of the Proctors or the Assessor as may be agreed between them ex officio
[4] Professor Richard Hobbs One of two persons appointed by Council from among the members of Council MT 2024
[5] Professor Krina Zondervan As above MT 2026
[6] Dr Andrew Mackintosh One of four persons appointed by Council, one of whom shall be external to the University and the other persons to be appointed from the divisions MT 2026
[7] Professor Tim Barraclough As above MT 2026
[8] Vacancy (vice Professor Helen Small) As above  
[9] Professor Andrew Przybylski (Social Sciences) As above MT 2025
[10] [Vacancy TBC] One external member appointed by Council  
[11] Professor Abigail Williams One of two persons appointed by the Humanities Board MT 2025
 [12] Professor Dan Grimley As above MT 2025
 [13] Professor Harish Bhaskaran One of two persons appointed by the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board MT 2026
 [14] Professor Dermot O'Hare As above MT 2026
 [15] Professor Matthew Wood One of two persons appointed by the Medical Sciences Board MT 2025

Professor Heidi Johansen-Berg

As above MT 2025
 [17] Professor Heather Viles One of two persons appointed by the Social Sciences Board MT 2024

Professor Christopher Adam

As above MT 2025
[19] Professor Paul Smith One person appointed by the Gardens, Libraries and Museums MT 2026
 [20] Professor Judith Buchanan, Master of St Peter's One of two members of college governing bodies appointed by the Conference of Colleges MT 2025
  [21] Sir John Vickers, Warden of All Souls As above MT 2027
  [22] Nicholas Harris (VP Postgraduate Access and Education) One of two graduate student member representatives, appointed by the Graduate Committee of the Oxford University Student Union, one from the Medical Sciences Division or Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division and one from the Humanities Division or Social Sciences Division MT 2024

Jennifer Lynam (VP Undergraduate Access and Education)

 As above MT 2024
Co-opted (The committee may co-opt up to three additional members for such periods as the committee shall deem appropriate.)
  Amy Warner May (Associate Director of Scholarly Resources, Bodleian) (GLAM)   MT 2024
  Dr Mairi Gibbs (Interim CEO, Oxford University Innovation)   MT 2024
  Dr Adina Pusok, Department of Earth Sciences   MT 2026
Secretary: Dr Lotte Boon, Research Services