Bids are invited once a year for grants to be used to support projects that can be shown to offer a broad strategic benefit to the University, but that do not form part of the normal day-to-day operations of a department and would not easily be funded from other regular sources.
Grants to applicants from within the University are usually in the region of £2,000 - £12,000, either given as a one-off award, or spread over two or three years. Grants are also available to organisations external to the University; in such cases, the amount awarded are usually lower and there is a cap on the total amount of funding made available to external organisations in any given bidding round. The cap is currently £25,000. Certain such projects, which would more appropriately be supported from the University's Community Grants Scheme, will be advised to apply to that fund.
The most recent invitation to bid, in February 2023, attracted fifteen applications. Grants awarded recently have included support for:
- The Ibadan-Oxford Stroke Project - a project centred on improving the provision of stroke care in Nigeria by the creation of a Stroke Unit at the Ibadan University Hospital and initiating a programme of educational exchange visits and virtual teaching between Ibadan and Oxford;
- Working in Partnership with Students - a project which sets out to gain an in-depth understanding of disabled students' experience with the University's new approach to creating, communicating and implementing Student Support Plans to develop a more structured approach to making reasonable adjustment recommendations for disabled students;
- Oxford Mutual Aid - a project focused on recruiting and supporting student volunteers to participate in the work of supporting local people affected by food poverty, including expansion of the Kitchen Collective programme, which distributes meals to local residents.