Elections by Congregation: Visitors of the Ashmolean Museum (Social Sciences Division)
This constituency is comprised of three members of Congregation elected by Congregation one from each of the Social Sciences Division, the Medical Sciences Division and the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division
General Information about this constituency
This constituency is comprised of one member of Congregation from the Social Sciences Division.
Elections to this constituency restrict candidates to members of the Social Sciences division. This means that all members of Congregation are eligible to nominate a candidate or to vote, but prospective candidates who want to stand for election must be a member of Congregation in the Social Sciences Division.
The full term of office is four years (or less, when a by-election is held to fill the residue of the term of office for an elected member who is standing down early).
The Visitors are responsible under Council, for the safe keeping, preservation, orderly administration and general policy of the museum. The board meets five times a year and meetings usually last three to four hours. The role of the Congregation-elected members is to represent their division in the museum and represent the museum within their division. The board would welcome members with an understanding of the potential of the University museum and its collections to support the University’s teaching and research agendas.
Nominations for elections to this constituency are published weekly in the Gazette and on this website as they are received and processed. The details of any nominations received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.
In the event of a contested election, candidate statements will be published in the Gazette and on this website. The details of any candidate's statements received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.