AUT: Association of University Teachers
CATs: Colleges of Advanced Technology
CIPFA: Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
COSHEP: Committee of Scottish Higher Education Principals
CUF: Common University Fund
CVCP: Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (renamed Universities UK from 1.12.2000)
DENI: Department of Educational for Northern Ireland
DfEE: Department for Education and Employment
ESRC: Economic and Social Research Council
EU: European Union
HEFCE: Higher Education Funding Council for England
HESA: Higher Education Statistics Agency
JRF: Junior Research Fellow
JUAC: Joint Undergraduate Admissions Committee
MASN: Maximum Aggregate Student Number
MRC: Medical Research Council
OLIS: Oxford Libraries Information Service
OST: Office of Science and Technology
OUP: Oxford University Press
p/g: Postgraduate
PGCE: Postgraduate Certificate in Education
PPH: Permanent Private Hall
RAE: Research Assessment Exercise
RSL: Radcliffe Science Library
SCOP: Standing Conference of Principals
SORP: Statement of Recommended Practice
UCAS: Universities' and Colleges' Admissions Service
UCCA: Universities' Central Council on Admissions
u/g: Undergraduate
UFC: Universities' Funding Council
UGC: University Grants Committee
ULNTF: University lecturer with a non-tutorial fellowship