COI Footnotes

[Please note, regarding the references given below, that the CVCP, on 1 December 2000, changed its name to Universities UK]

1 See Gazette, No. 4334, p. 1349.

2 See Gazette, Supplement (1) to No. 4343.

3 Higher Education in the Learning Society: Report of the National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education, HMSO, 1997.

4 See Gazette, No. 4437, p. 1095.

5 See Gazette, No. 4367, p. 1249 for a fuller description of these responses.

6 These responses are summarised in the supplementary volume to this report.

7 The appointment of the consultants was announced in April 1995 (see Gazette, No. 4360, p. 965); and the following month the consultants invited comments on their agenda (see Gazette, No. 4365, p. 1173). They subsequently held discussions with over 200 members of the University and further details of their working methods are contained in their report.

8 See paragraphs 1.24 to 1.26 on the Franks Commission.

9 These were: Cambridge, De Montfort, Imperial College London, Manchester and Warwick.

10 These initiatives are described in paragraph 4.31.

11 Described more fully in Chapter 7.

12 Described in Chapter 12.

13 See the discussion of these Commissions in ed. B Harrison, History of the University of Oxford, Volume VIII, OUP, 1994.

14 The Franks Commission (chaired by Lord Franks, then Provost of Worcester College) was established in 1964 and published its report in 1966: Report of Commission of Inquiry, 2 vols. OUP, 1966.

15 Report of the Committee on Higher Education, Cmnd.2154, (1963), paragraph 687.

16 See Franks Report, paragraph 1, note *, which covers these definitions.

17 Common University Fund. CUF lecturers receive the major part of their salary from their college, and have a correspondingly higher college teaching load than do university lecturers. CUF lecturerships are largely confined to humanities and social science subjects.

18 See paragraph 1.24 above.

19 See Robbins Report, paragraph 31.

20 Source: HESA.

21 Source: HESA.

22 I.e. excluding continuing education students.

23 See Dearing Report, Chapter 10.

24 See ed. B Harrison, History of the University of Oxford, Volume VIII, OUP, 1994, pp. 756-7.

25 See footnote 2 on p. 60.

26 Sources: OECD, quoted by Dearing Report, p. 39, and HESA.

27 Source: CIPFA.

28 Source: Gazette annual student numbers supplements 1965-6 to 1995-6.

29 Henceforth the term 'college' should be taken to include the PPHs unless otherwise indicated.

30 Sources: ed. B Harrison, History of the University of Oxford, Volume VIII, p. 190; and Oxford University Calendar, Editions for 1966 and 1996-7.

31 See ed. B Harrison, History of the University of Oxford, Volume VIII, p.746.

32 Most computer staff are employed on research or administrative scales; this figure relates only to those employed on computer operator scales.

33 Source: General Board annual establishment analysis.

34 See above, paragraph 1.13.

35 Sources: University's Financial Statements, 1965-6 and 1995-6.

36 See paragraph 1.24.

37 See paragraph 1.25.

38 See Franks Report, paragraph 4.

39 A summary of these responses is given in the supplementary volume to this report.

40 See Dearing Report, paragraph 10.31.

41 Henceforth the term 'college' should be taken to include the PPHs unless otherwise indicated.

42 No student may be presented for an Oxford degree examination unless he or she is also a member of a college.

43 See Gazette, p. 679 for further details.

44 See the supplementary volume to this report for a summary of these responses.

45 Review of Postgraduate Education, HEFCE/CVCP/SCOP, 1996; the review committee was chaired by Professor M.B. Harris, Vice-Chancellor, University of Manchester. See also paragraph 10.4 for a brief account of this report.

46 See paragraph 2.19.

47 The responses to this consultation are summarised in the supplementary volume to this report.

48 Data taken from UCCA and UCAS, as reproduced in the annual Oxford University Gazette student number supplements; it relates to Home/EU students only.

49 Data derived from information provided by the Oxford Colleges' Admissions Office.

50 Information derived from data supplied by the Oxford Colleges' Admissions Office, and UCAS.

51 Dearing Report, paragraph 1.10.

52 See Gazette, Supplement (1) to No. 4449.

53 Visiting Students are members of a college but not members of the University. 'Associate student' is an informal term, applied to students who have some association with a college but who are not members of it.

54 See Dearing Report, Chapter 11.

55 This point has been considered in a number of recent reports which discuss the question from the point of view of the HE system as a whole. See in particular 'Review of the Dual Support Transfer: Final Report' produced by Coopers and Lybrand for the Office of Science and Technology (OST) in November 1995. For the 'dual support shift' in general see note 2 on p. 60, and paragraph 11.7.

56 See Gazette, Supplement (1) to No. 4448.

57 See Dearing Report, Chapter 15.

58 See paragraph 4.71 below for this point.

59 Franks Report, para. 495: 'we do not find ourselves...faced with a simple choice between 'efficiency' and 'democracy' in the formulation of a desirable University government'.

60 For the definition of these terms see Chapter 1, paragraphs 1.27-29.

61 See L.G. Sutherland, 'The Administration of the University', in eds. L S Sutherland and L G Mitchell, The History of the University of Oxford, Volume V, OUP 1986, pp. 217-8.

62 Franks Report, paragraphs 498-9.

63 Details of Congregation's powers and responsibilities are contained in the University's Statutes, Title II.

64 These statutes were imposed on the University by royal letters patent in 1636 by William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury: see ed. J Griffiths, Statutes of the University of Oxford codified in the year 1636 under the authority of Archbishop Laud, Chancellor of the University, 1888.

65 Not all academic posts fall directly under a faculty board so that the total here is less than analogous totals given elsewhere in this report.

66 See Chapter 1, paragraphs 1.24-1.25.

67 Chapters VI and VII of the Franks Report address the administration of the University.

68 See Chapter 2, paragraph 2.36.

69 Although this position is now changing: see HEFCE circular 9/97, June 1997.

70 See Dearing Report, Chapter 15.

71 See Chapter 1, paragraph 1.12. A summary of the Coopers and Lybrand report and a list of its recommendations are provided in the supplementary volume to this report.

72 Franks Report, paragraph 503.

73 These points are also developed further in Chapter 9 on undergraduate teaching.

74 In 1992-93 the Government decided to transfer some £87 million from the funding councils to the research councils, so that the latter would be expected to pay for a higher proportion of the total costs of the research projects which they supported, while the general research funds allocated to universities by the funding councils via the block grant would be expected to cover only the costs of the time of established academic staff involved, and the costs of buildings. Thus universities must now recover a higher proportion of costs from the research councils, whilst their general research funding has fallen. See also the discussion of this in Chapter 11.

75 See Franks Report, paragraphs 605-18.

76 Franks Report, paragraph 538.

77 See Franks Report, paragraph 588.

78 See Dearing Report, recommendations 54-5.

79 See also recommendation 16 in paragraph 5.70 below, where we propose a complementary review of other legislation.

80 See Chapter 1, paragraph 1.12. A summary of the Report's recommendations is contained in the supplementary volume to this main report.

81 See Statutes, 1997, Title II, pp. 5-6 for full details.

82 The Vice-Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor elect were also heads of houses, so that, as noted in paragraph 4.74 above, there was a total of 11 heads of house on Council in 1996-7.

83 See Standards in Public Life, Volumes 1 and 2 (Nolan Report), HMSO, 1996.

84 See, in particular, the study of Imperial College prepared by Dr Harry Atkinson, in the supplementary volume to this report.

85 See also paragraph 11.29.

86 Oxford University Statutes, 1997, Title III, p. 31.

87 Franks Report, para. 498.

88 See Franks Report, paragraphs 6.05-18.

89 A summary of the results of this consultation is provided in the supplementary volume to this report.

90 The Report of the Syndicate appointed to consider the government of the University, chaired by Sir Douglas Wass, published in May 1989 (see Cambridge University Reporter, 19 May 1989).

91 The outcome of the review was reflected in changes to the legislation governing the post of Registrar: see Statutes, 1997, Title IX, Sect. VII, pp. 72-74.

92 See Franks Report, paragraph 553.

93 See Chapter 1, paragraphs 1.13 to 1.14 for details. A sample of this questionnaire is reproduced in the supplementary volume to this report.

94 University of Oxford, Accounts of the Colleges 1995-6, 'The Blue Book'.

95 Note the definition of academic staff in paragraph 1.28.

96 'Common University Fund'. See paragraph 7.16 for a description of these posts.

97 Published in 'Long Hours, Little Thanks' AUT, 1994.

98 Ibid. p. 5.

99 This is because of slightly different definitions of staff groups between the two surveys.

100 Source : Franks Report, Volume II, table 310.

101 See ed. B. Harrison, The History of the University of Oxford, volume VIII, OUP, 1994, p. 656.

102 See ed. B. Harrison, The History of the University of Oxford, volume VIII, OUP 1994, p. 656.

103 A summary of the comments received is set out in the supplementary volume to this report.

104 Published in March 1996 by the DfEE.

105 Qualifying for Success - a consultation paper on the future of post-16 qualifications' (1997), DfEE, DENI, Welsh Office.

106 Times Higher Education Supplement 18/4/97, p. 2. See also the discussions in paragraphs 2.12 to 2.13 and 3.9 to 3.12 of this report.

107 See: The supplementary volume, Report on the Surveys.

108 Source: Gazette supplement 1 to no. 4407, table I. (Of these, just over half were studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics ('PPE').)

109 The broader role of a director of studies under our proposals was discussed in paragraphs 8.12 to 8.13.

110 See: The supplementary volume, Report on the Surveys, Chapter 1.

111 Source: Cambridge University Registry Student Statistics: Transfers between subjects 1996 (13.2.96). N.B. These figures do not include transfers within the Natural Sciences Tripos, which in Oxford would be considered as transfers between degree courses (e.g. chemistry to physics), nor changes of language within the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos.

112 See: The supplementary volume, Report on the Surveys, table 1.9.

113 HEFCE Quality Assessment Report on history at Oxford - November 1993 (ref. Q82/94), paragraph 11.

114 HEFCE Quality Assessment Report on law at Oxford - November 1993 (ref. Q153/94), paragraph 6.

115 See the Franks Report, volume I, paragraphs 227 to 238.

116 See Dearing Report, Chapter 9.

117 HEFCE Quality Assessment Report on Modern Languages at Oxford - January-February 1996 (ref. Q240/96), para. 25.

118 See Review of Postgraduate Education (1996) published by HEFCE, CVCP and SCOP, p. 10. In 1961-62, there were 19,400 full-time and 6,300 part-time graduate students in the UK. By 1994-95, these figures had risen to 128,300 and 187,000 respectively. (Figures for Oxford are given in Figure 10.1 of this report.)

119 See Franks Report, volume I, paragraphs 92-96.

120 Excludes those studying for the certificate or diploma in education.

121 Source: University Gazette, Supplement (4) to No. 3396, tables I and II.

122 Source: University Gazette, Supplement (1) to No. 4407, tables IIb and III.

123 See in particular vol. I, paragraphs 253 to 280.

124 Roberts Report (1987), paragraph 145.

125 See Examination Decrees (1997), pp. 847ff.

126 See Roberts Report, paragraphs 145 to 146 and Appendix j, and Examination Decrees (1995), pp. 799ff.

127 Examination Decrees (1997), p. 848, paragraph 3.

128 Ibid. p. 849, paragraph 11.

129 See Roberts Report, paragraph 60(i).

130 Roberts Report, paragraph 74.

131 See: The supplementary volume, Report on the Surveys, paragraph 2.7.1.

132 See: The supplementary volume, Report on the Surveys, table 1.7.

133 In 1997-8 £54 million out of a total HEFCE grant of £83 million was for research.

134 See footnote 2 on p. 60 for a description of this shift in funding.

135 See for example the review conducted for the OST by Coopers and Lybrand in 1995, referred to in n. x on p. 40.

136 See Dearing Report, paragraph 11.30.

137 HEFCE Management Statistics, 1995-6.

138 Review of Postgraduate Education, HEFCE/CVCP/SCOP, 1996; the review committee was chaired by Professor M.B. Harris, Vice-Chancellor, University of Manchester.

139 See Chapter 1, paragraphs 1.13-1.14.

140 Franks Report, paragraph 577.

141 These pressures have been alleviated in the University's 1997-8 budget as a result of additional income gained following the University's successful performance in the 1996 Research Assessment Exercise.

142 Data source: CVCP/SCOP/COSHEP Higher Education Management Statistics 1996.

143 Copies of the document are available from the Personnel Services section of the University Offices and are accessible electronically via the University's Website.

144 See Statutes, 1997, Title II, Section XIII, pp. 258-9.

146 Data source: University Financial Statements 1996; Accounts of the Colleges 1995-6.

147 Analysis of College and University Investment Pool Returns 1995-6, Cambridge Associates Inc., Boston Mass. 1996.

148 This is a composite figure for Oxford as a whole. Data for the University is taken from the 1995 Financial Statements; the figure for the colleges is based on information assembled for a recent exercise connected with the current HEFCE review of arrangements for the payment of college fees.

149 Data source as cited in footnote 2.

150 Dearing Report, Chapters 17-21.

151 Dearing Report, paragraph 19.46.

152 See ed. B Harrison, History of the University of Oxford, Vol. VIII, OUP, 1994, p. 644.

153 These are estimates of public funds received in support of fees, and thus differ from the totals for fee income from all sources quoted in paragraph 12.1.

154 See for example Franks Report, paragraph 648.

155 Technically St Cross College and Green College are still departments of the University, having not as yet gained independent status.

156 See Franks Report, paragraphs 646-49 for a brief history of the original contributions scheme.

157 Franks Report, paragraph 656.

158 As noted earlier, St Cross College is still technically a department of the University.

159 This is a similar figure to that used in Cambridge for similar purposes.

160 There was also a further less extensive scheme introduced at the same time to ease for the less wealthy colleges the transition to a position where the colleges assumed greater financial responsibility for joint appointments.

161 Estimate derived from one cited in the Review of the College Contributions Scheme, June 1995, on which see the next paragraph.

162 See Oxford University Statutes, 1997, Title XII, pp. 81-96.

163 These surveys are described in Chapter 2, paragraphs 1.13 to 1.14. A full summary of results arising from them, on which the following comments are based, may be found in the supplementary volume to this report.

164 The Norrington Table was devised in the 1960s by the then President of Trinity College, Sir Arthur Norrington, as a way of comparing the performance in final examinations (schools) of candidates from different colleges. Each candidate at each college was awarded so many points for a first, so many for a second, and so on. The points system was changed when Oxford divided the second class into an upper and lower second, so that results before and after this change are not wholly comparable. The table is in effect a league table of the performance of candidates from different colleges. It has never been given any official sanction by the colleges or the University: it has been compiled over the years unofficially, and there are reservations over the accuracy of the picture it portrays, particularly since small changes in the numbers of students gaining firsts can have a considerable influence on a college's placing. Congregation voted in the early 1990s to discontinue publishing a candidate's college against his or her name in class lists of finals results as a way of seeking to inhibit compilation of the Table, but this was unsuccessful. It is still being compiled, and the results appear regularly in the Oxford Times and in the national press.

165 See the discussion in the Franks Report, paragraphs 411-13.

166 See Franks Report, paragraph 422.

167 This objective is important in the context of the City of Oxford's housing policies which are geared to limiting the number of students who are not housed in university or college accommodation.

168 See above, paragraphs 12.25 to 12.27.

169 See above, paragraph 12.29.

170 This phrasing echoes the legal position. It is not intended to preclude the payment of differential salaries, inappropriate circumstances or variations in the rate of progress up a salary scale, which might take place on grounds of merit or qualification.

171 This is not intended to preclude in the future higher payments to individuals on the basis of distinction or of particular qualifications.

172 In cases where a college was providing free accommodation for a lecturer, this element would not be payable; in effect, the college would be making a payment in kind and a corresponding deduction from the joint salary would therefore be made.

173 As noted in paragraph 12.79, these additional costs should be entirely balanced by corresponding savings to the wealthier colleges, once transitional arrangements have been phased out.

174 This figure has also been used by the working party on the common contract, to whom our survey data was made available.

175 This figure represents the average joint salary payable (for 1997-98) at the penultimate point below the joint maximum (i.e. at age 44), and is used to enable comparisons to be made with university standard cost figures (see footnote 176).

176 The standard cost represents an estimate of the average costs to the University in respect of each post of meeting all salary costs (at the penultimate point on the appropriate scale), including employer's NI and superannuation costs.

177 I.e. the total payable by the University and college combined.

178 This represents the charge for one hour's teaching per week in term time over a year.