Congregation Meeting, 25 February 2025

(1) Voting on a Resolution authorising the allocation of space in the Alden Press Annexe to Gardens, Libraries and Museums

For the full text of the resolution, see Gazette No 5444, 30 January 2025, p283.

(2) Voting on a Resolution to constitute a Redundancy Panel under Statute XII: Academic Staff and the Visitatorial Board

For the full text of the resolution, see Gazette No 5444, 30 January 2025, p284.

The meeting will be held at 2pm on Tuesday, 25 February, in the Sheldonian Theatre. The doors will be opened at 1:30pm.

Attendance at the meeting is open to members of Congregation and nominated members of Oxford SU. Admittance to the Theatre will be on production of a member's University Card stating 'Congregation', and will be on a first-come first-served basis. Since it is possible that some members will not have been issued with a new card, identity may also be checked against the Register of Congregation at the entrance. Please make sure that the details on cards are legible. New cards may be obtained from the University Card Office.  Information on eligibility requirements for membership of Congregation and how to apply is published at

The Vice-Chancellor has decided that the wearing of gowns shall be optional on this occasion.

The Chair will open the meeting at 2pm and set out the procedure and order of business as follows:

  • The resolution at (1) authorising the allocation of space in the Alden Press Annexe to Gardens, Libraries and Museums will be declared carried.
  • The resolution to constitute a Redundancy Panel at (2) will be moved and seconded on behalf of Council.
  • The opposition to the resolution will be moved and seconded.
  • The mover of the resolution will be given the opportunity to respond to the debate.
  • The mover of the opposition to the resolution will be given the opportunity to respond to the debate.

There will be a vote on the resolution (information about voting is provided below).

It would be helpful in determining the order of speakers if those also wishing to speak would email by 4pm on Friday 21 February.  The number of speakers arranged and the time available to them will be adjusted according to the volume of business.

Voting on the legislative proposal in the meeting of Congregation was determined by ballot.

The result of the vote on the resolution to constitute a Redundancy Panel was as follows:

For 28
Against 16


The above transcript was published as a supplement to the Gazette of 4 July 2024.

If you have any queries about the meeting, please email:

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