Congregation Meeting, 6 March 2018


At the meeting of Congregation on 6 March, resolutions (1)–(3), authorising the use of space in the Fleming Boathouse, and changes to and a suspension of Congregation Regulations 3 of 2002 were declared carried.

(4) Resolution: to suspend statutory procedures

As 21 members signified their objection to the resolution by rising in their places after the resolution was read by the Registrar, the resolution was not moved.

(5) Resolution: on the level of risk proposed by the USS trustee

As resolution (4) to suspend statutory procedures was not carried, resolution (5) was not moved. The substance of this resolution has now been implemented. At a special meeting held on 7 March, Council reviewed its position on the UUK survey of USS pension risks and decided, in light of the meeting of Congregation on 6 March, to reverse its previous response. This has been communicated to UUK.

Further details about the meeting and the full text of the resolutions can be found in Gazette No.5197, 1 March 2018.


The above transcript was published as a supplement to the Gazette of 15 March.

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