Membership as at 28 January 2025 is as follows
Name | Conditions of appointment | Until beginning of | |
[1] | Dr Markos Koumaditis | The Director of Human Resources, who shall chair the Consultative Committee | ex officio |
[2] | Mr Colin Cook, Medical Sciences | One of two representatives of the support staff who shall be nominated by the University branch of Unite | MT 2027 |
[3] | Mr Kevin Valentine, Chemistry | As above | MT 2027 |
[4] | Ms Sue Tibbles, Bodleian Library | One of two representatives of the support staff who shall be nominated by the University branch of UNISON | MT 2027 |
[5] | Vacancy | As above | |
[6] | Dr Luke Evans, Medical Sciences Division | One of two persons employed in the University's academic or academic-related grades, who shall be appointed by the university branch of the University and College Union, UCU | MT 2027 |
[7] | Patricia Ciccone, Medical Sciences Division | As above | MT 2027 |
[8] | Ms Sally Vine, DPAG | A departmental administrator, who shall be appointed by the Safety Executive Group | MT 2027 |
[9] | Mr David Anderson, Physics | One departmental safety officer from a science department, who shall be appointed by the Safety Executive Group | MT 2027 |
[10] | Ms Trudi Pinkerton, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies | One Departmental Safety Officer from Humanities, GLAM, Social Sciences Division or University Administration Services, who shall be appointed by the Safety Executive Group | MT 2027 |
[11] | Vacancy | One departmental safety officer from MPLS or MSD, who shall be appointed by the Safety Executive Group | - |
[12] | Andy Bryson, GLAM | A representative of the Divisional Safety Officers from Humanities, GLAM, Social Sciences Division or University Administration Services, who shall be appointed by the Safety Executive Group | MT 2027 |
[13] | Vacancy | The Vice-President (Welfare) of Oxford University Student Union | ex officio |
[14] | Vacancy | One postgraduate student who shall be appointed by Oxford University Student Union | - |
[15] | Dr Ben Amies-Cull, Nuffield Department of Primary Care | One representative of the early career research staff who shall be appointed by the Oxford Research Staff Society | MT 2027 |
[15] | Vacancy | One representative each to be invited from GLAM, University Administration Services and the Department for Continuing Education | - |
Co-opted (The committee may co-opt up to two additional members) | |||
[16] | Mr Alex Black, Social Sciences | Departmental Safety Officer | MT 2027 |
Secretary: Planning and Council Secretariat Queries should be addressed to the Committee Secretary, Steven Fairhurst Jones