Council, 7 February 2022 SSO

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Meeting to be held at 2.00pm on Monday 7 February 2022 at the

HB Allen Centre Lecture Theatre, 25 Banbury Road, Oxford



Members of Council will be asked to declare any interest that could give rise to conflict in relation to any item on the agenda at the beginning of the item in question.  All interests so disclosed will be recorded in the minutes of Council.  If the chair of the meeting deems it appropriate, the member shall absent themselves from all or part of Council’s discussion of the matter.






(A) Unreserved



Meeting held on 29 November 2021 (C(21)cxix-cxxix)



(a)    Unreserved minutes

The unconfirmed minutes will be taken as read unless any objection is raised.



(b)    Matters arising from the unreserved minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2021 not otherwise on the agenda

There are none.



Meeting held on 17 January 2022 (C(22)i-iii)



(a)    Unreserved minutes

The unconfirmed minutes will be taken as read unless any objection is raised.



(b)    Matters arising from the unreserved minutes of the meeting held on 17 January 2022 not otherwise on the agenda

There are none.



The Vice-Chancellor’s unreserved business (above the line)



The Vice-Chancellor will give an oral report.



Oxford University Press (OUP) Report to Council: strategy update (C(22)03)



Council is asked to comment on the report.



Annual report from the Chair of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee 



The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources) will provide an oral report.



Report from the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 19 January 2022










(a) Office for Students Annual Financial Return 2021 (C(22)04)

Council is asked to approve the Annual Financial Return for onward submission to the Office for Students.

Due to the process of validation that OfS require prior to final submission, Council is further asked to delegate approval of any changes to the Vice Chancellor, Chief Financial Officer and Pro-Vice Chancellor for Planning & Resources).


(b) RSL/ICTL Redevelopment (Reuben College) Project (C(22)05)

Council is asked to take the actions set out in the paper.



Report from the meeting of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee held on 14 December 2021  








(a) Q1 2021/22 forecast (C(22)06)

Council is asked to note the report.

(b) Space Allocation: Rodney Porter Building (C(22)07)

Council is asked to take the action set out in the report.



Report of the meeting of the Education Committee held on 2 December 2021



(a) Proposal to establish a Joint Student Mental Health Committee (C(22)08) 

Council is asked to approve the establishment of the Joint Student Mental Health Committee, with the proposed terms of reference and membership as set out in Annex A of the paper.



Chair’s Action (C(22)09)



Council is asked to consider and note the information at Annex Part 1 and Part 2.



Reports from Personnel Committee










(a) Equality targets for staff in post (C(22)10) 

Council is asked to approve gender and ethnicity targets for staff in post, as summarised in section (d) in the paper.

(b) Code of Conduct for members of electoral boards (C(22)11)

Subject to the outcome of the item at Personnel Committee, which will be reported orally, Council is asked to approve the revised Code of Conduct for members of Electoral Boards as an official University Code of Conduct, subject to a further formal review after three years and the facility for Personnel Committee to make any minor amendments it judges appropriate in the intervening period.

(c) Retirement: report on action taken by the Personnel Committee with respect to extension of retirement dates, and review of the operation of the EJRA policy and procedure (C(22)12)

Council is asked to note the report.



Report from General Purposes Committee  (13 December 2021) (C(22)13)







(a) Report of the Safety, Health and Environment Management Subcommittee (SHEMS) meeting held on 18 November 2021

Council is asked to note the issues discussed by SHEMS.

(b) Revisions to Statute XI (University Discipline)

Council is asked to approve for submission to Congregation the legislative changes to Statute XI (University Discipline) summarised in paragraph 4 and attached as Annex A.



Annual report of the Head of the Humanities Division



The Head of the Humanities Division will provide an oral report.



USS pensions: update




The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (People and GLAM) will provide a brief oral report.


Items for approval or report without discussion (‘below the line’).



The Vice-Chancellor’s unreserved business (below the line) (C(22)16) 



Council is asked to note:

(i) New Year’s Honours List;

(ii) appointment to a statutory post;

(iii) the OfS publications; and

(iv) the UUK Press Statements.



Report from the meeting of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee held on 14 December 2021  
















(a) Minor Capital Plan 2021-24 (C(22)17)

Council is asked to:

(i) approve the Minor Capital Plan (Version 10.6 – Annex A);

(ii) note Divisional comments detailed under (d)3; and

(iii) note that the Chair of PRAC, consulting with Capital Steering Group, will agree any subsequent changes arising as required prior to the annual re-prioritization exercise in the summer of 2022.

(b) Report from the Strategic Plan Programme Board (MT 2021) (C(22)18)

Council is asked to note the report.



Unreserved report of the meetings of the General Purposes Committee held on 13 December 2021 and 24 January 2022 (C(22)19) 



(a) New Degree of Master in Science in Experimental Psychology, and New Degree of Master in Science in Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics

Council is asked to:

(i) note Education Committee's approval of the proposed new Degree of Master in Science in Experimental Psychology and proposed new Degree of Master in Science in Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics; and

(ii) approve for submission to Congregation the associated changes to legislation (at Annex A).

(b) Proposed changes to the Shamma Lecturer and Assistant Keeper in Islamic Numismatics

Council is asked to approve for submission to Congregation the legislative proposal attached at Annex B.

(c) Proposed amendments to legislation

Council is asked to approve the following proposals:

(i) Changes in regulations for the Curators of the Parks and of the Sheldonian (GPC(21)142)

(ii) Proposed amendment to the regulations governing the membership of the Social Sciences Divisional Board (GPC(21)143)

(iii) Proposed amendments to regulations for committees to reflect a change in title of role-holder (GPC(21)147)

(iv) Update to the Financial Regulations (GPC(22)03)



KPMG Resignation Letter (C(22)20) 



Council is asked to note the KPMG resignation letter dated 24 January 2022.



Any other unreserved business


(B) Reserved


All items are confidential.



Reserved minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2021 (C(21)cxxx-cxxxvi)



(a)    Reserved minutes

The unconfirmed minutes will be taken as read unless any objection is raised.



(b)      Matters arising from the reserved minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2021 not otherwise on the agenda

There are none



Reserved minutes of the meeting held on 17 January 2022 (C(22)iv-v)



(a) Reserved minutes

The unconfirmed minutes will be taken as read unless any objection is raised.


(b) Matters arising from the reserved minutes of the meeting held on 17 January 2022 not otherwise on the agenda

There are none



Vice-Chancellor’s Reserved Business

There are two items of reserved business.



Committee on Animal Care and Ethical Review (ACER): Annual Report 2021 (C(22)21) [CIRCULATED TO COUNCIL MEMBERS ONLY]



Council is asked to consider the annual report provided in Annex A and to approve its publication in the University Gazette.



Annual report of the Committee to Review the Salaries of Senior University Officers (CRUSSO) (C(21)154[revised]) (CIRCULATED TO COUNCIL MEMBERS ONLY)



This item was deferred from the Council meeting held on 29 November 2021.

Council is asked to note the annual report of the CRUSSO annexed at A.



Re-appointment of Senior Role (C(22)22) [CIRCULATED TO COUNCIL MEMBERS ONLY]



Council is asked to approve the re-appointment.





Items for approval or report without discussion (‘below the line’).



Report of the College Contributions Committee (C(22)23)

Council is asked to approve the recommendations set out in the paper.




Any other business (including any issues Council members would like to raise for possible consideration in the future)