1.1 The Joint Committee for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion shall consist of:
(1) the Chief Diversity Officer (co-chair);
(2) the Chair of the Conference of Colleges, or their nominee from among the Heads of House (co-chair);
(3) the Academic Registrar;
(4) the Assessor;
(5) the Director of Human Resources;
(6)-(9) the Divisional Equality, Diversity and Inclusion leads (academic) or their nominee;
(10) the Head of the Equality and Diversity Unit;
(11) a chair of a staff network or advisory group, drawn from the Disability Advisory Group, LGBT+ Advisory Group and BME Staff Network;
(12)-(15) four members appointed by the Conference of Colleges, who shall include representatives of the Equality & Diversity Forum, Senior Tutors’ Committee and Graduate Committee ;
(16) a representative of GLAM;
(17) a representative from the Research Staff Consultation Group;
(18)-(19) two representatives of the Oxford University Student Union;
(20)-(22) with the approval of Council and Conference of Colleges, the committee may co-opt up to three additional members, who may be internal or external members.
1.2 Elected, appointed or co-opted members shall hold office for a period of three years and shall be eligible to serve for a total period of six years.
1.3 The committee shall be responsible to Council, and to the Conference of Colleges for oversight of the collegiate University’s strategy and policy for advancing equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in all its aspects. The remit of the committee shall cover both staff and students and all protected groups.
1.4 The committee will:
(1) promote and advance EDI in all its aspects across the collegiate University;
(2) advise Council and its subcommittees, Conference of Colleges, and other committees as required on all aspects of the collegiate University's strategy and policy for EDI;
(3) ensure that the policies and regulations related to EDI within the University or held jointly with Conference are reviewed regularly by the relevant owners and updated in line with institutional and national developments;
(4) identify and monitor relevant performance indicators relating to EDI;
(5) work closely with the academic divisions setting expectations on all EDI matters;
(6) oversee the University’s Race Equality Strategy and ensure progress towards its implementation, flagging any arising resourcing needs to other committees as necessary;
(7) oversee institutional applications for relevant external accreditation schemes such as Athena Swan and the Race Equality Charter, and the implementation of the University’s action plans for these schemes; and
(8) make an annual report to Council and to the Conference of Colleges on the work of the Committee.’