Part of Council Regulations 25 of 2002: Trust Regulations
1. The University accepts with gratitude a gift of $4,000 from Brian Bannister, B.Sc., MA, D.Phil., Oriel and New Colleges, to form a fund the income of which shall be applied to the establishment of an award to be known as the Brian Bannister Award in Organic Chemistry.
2. The award shall be open to members of the University who are presenting themselves for examination in Part II of the Subject Chemistry in the Honour School of Natural Science, and one or two awards may be made annually for the most meritorious performance in that examination in Organic Chemistry, judged on the thesis and the viva voce examination.
3. The board of management for the award shall be the Board of the Faculty of Physical Sciences, which shall make rules for the administration of the award.
4. Council shall have power to amend this decree provided that the main object of the donor (namely the maintenance of an award in Organic Chemistry to be associated with the name of Dr Brian Bannister) shall always be kept in view.