Part of Council Regulations 25 of 2002: Trust Regulations
1. The University accepts with gratitude the sums contributed in memory of Hedley Bull, Fellow of Balliol College and Montague Burton Professor of International Relations, which shall form a fund to be known as the Hedley Bull Memorial Fund. The net income of the fund shall be applied to support the study of International Relations within the University.
2. The Board of the Faculty of Social Studies shall be the board of management for the fund.
3. The board of management shall have power to use the income of the fund to establish research fellowships in International Relations, and for any purpose related to the study of International Relations within the University.
4. The research fellowships may be held at any college approved by the board of management. The area of research may be any aspect of International Relations.
5. Council shall have power to alter this decree from time to time, provided that the main object of the fund, the support of the study of International Relations within the University in memory of Professor Bull, shall always be kept in view.