Part 19: Committee on Honorary Degrees

Amended on 26 January 2006, 10 October 2014 (Gazette, Vol.145, p.3, 25 September 2014), 23 November 2018 (Gazette, Vol.149, p.130, 8 November 2018) and 4 August (Gazette, Vol. 153, p. 482, 20 July 2023).

Renumbered on 28 July 2011

1.1. The Committee on Honorary Degrees shall:

(a) after consultation with Council on proposed names, take decisions on names to be put to Congregation for the conferral of Honorary Degrees and, where appropriate, Degrees by Diploma; and

(b) make recommendations to Council on any proposal for the revocation of an honorary degree or degree by diploma referred to the committee by the Registrar.

1.2. The committee shall consist of:

(1) the Vice-Chancellor;

(2) the Assessor;

(3) the Public Orator;

(4)-(9) up to six members of Council appointed by Council, one of whom shall be the vice-chair; and

(10)-(11) up to two members of Congregation not on Council appointed by Council.

1.3. The committee may co-opt up to three additional members for such periods as the committee shall deem appropriate.

1.4. (1) The period of appointment for appointed members shall be four years.

(2) An appointed member who has served a full term of office under regulation 21.3 (1) above, shall not be eligible to serve as an appointed member of the committee until a full term of office on that committee has passed from the end of his or her period of service. Casual terms of office shall not count towards this limit.

(3) Notwithstanding regulations 21.4 (1) and (2) above, the General Purposes Committee of Council may determine that further consecutive service of up to two years is permitted in an individual case.

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