1. The Cowley Lecturer shall lecture and give instruction, under the direction of the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, in Post-Biblical and Modern Hebrew.
2. The lecturer shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies in accordance with arrangements approved by the General Board from time to time.
3. The income of the Cowley Memorial Fund shall be used towards defraying the stipend of the lecturer.
Cowley Memorial Fund
1. The fund shall be called the Cowley Memorial Fund, and the Curators of the University Chest shall be empowered to accept further donations in augmentation of the capital.
2. The lecturership supported by the fund shall be called the Cowley Lecturership in PostBiblical Hebrew.
3. The annual income of the fund, after payment of any expenses incurred in administration, shall be applied in providing a stipend for the Cowley Lecturer in PostBiblical Hebrew.
4. During any vacancy in the lecturership, the net income accruing during the vacancy shall be applied in augmentation of the capital of the fund.