Dolabani Fund for Syriac Studies

1. The University accepts with gratitude from the Trustee of the Campaign for Oxford Trust Fund the initial endowment, made possible by an anonymous payment to the Trustee, and all further sums contributed for the same purpose, to establish a fund, to be called the Dolabani Fund for Syriac Studies, the income from which shall be used for the furtherance of Syriac Studies within the University, and which endowment will help to support students from the Syriac churches in studying their own tradition in working for a formal qualification of the University.

2. The fund shall be administered by a board of management consisting of two persons appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies and one person appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Theology. The appointing bodies shall determine the periods of office of their respective appointees. The board shall have power to co-opt up to two additional members. Any co-opted member shall serve for two years and may be reappointed. The board shall elect its own chairman.

3. The board of management shall apply the income of the fund:

(a) in the provision of financial support to graduate students of the University from or originating from the Middle East or the region of the Indian State of Kerala, to assist them in meeting the cost of engaging in courses involving Syriac Studies in the University;

(b) in the provision of grants, in such amounts as the board shall from time to time determine, for the purchase of Syriac manuscripts for the Bodleian Library and for the purchase of books in or concerning Syriac for the Bodleian Library and the Oriental Institute Library.

4. Any income not required for expenditure under clause 3 hereof may be applied for the furtherance of Syriac Studies within the University in such other ways as the board shall consider appropriate.

5. Council shall have power to alter this decree from time to time, provided that the main object of the fund, namely the furtherance of Syriac Studies within the University, shall always be kept in view.

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