Field Studies Book Prize

Amended by the General Purposes Committee of Council on 1 August 2022 (Gazette, Vol. 152, p. 490, 7 July 2022)

1. The University accepts with gratitude the sum of £500 donated by Dr H.N. Southern, former Senior Research Officer in Zoology, the income from which shall be used to provide a book prize for the field study of animals.

2. The prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who has shown the greatest aptitude for zoological field studies in the Honour School of Biology and/or in independent project work, provided that their work is deemed to be of sufficient merit.

3. The prize shall be awarded jointly by three persons (hereinafter called ‘the awarders’) who shall comprise:

(1) the Head of the Department of Biology or their nominee;

(2) the Director of the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology or their nominee;

(3) a person appointed by the Board of the Department of Biology.

4. If in any year the prize is not awarded, the income of the fund shall be carried forward for use in whole or in part to augment the value of the prize on subsequent occasions at the discretion of the awarders.

5. The prize shall be placed under the general supervision of the Board of the Department of Biology.

6. Council shall have power to alter these regulations from time to time, provided that the main object of the fund, namely, the establishment of a book prize for the field study of animals, is kept in view.

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