Ginwala Scholarships

Amended by the General Purposes Committee of Council on 30 April 2009

1. The University accepts with gratitude from the Trustees of the Sven Leopold Bengtson Settlement the sum of approximately £90,000 to establish a fund for the maintenance of scholarships, to be known as the Hilla Ginwala Scholarships, and to be awarded from time to time to persons of Indian nationality normally resident in the Republic of India who are or who have been accepted for admission as members of the University, in order to enable them to undertake study or research at or in connection with the University, provided however that no such scholarship may be awarded to persons who were actually resident outside the Republic of India on 7 February 1992.

2. The holders of the scholarships may either read for an honour school or work for a graduate qualification in any subject offered by the University. Preference will be given to the study of, or research into some aspect of, one or more modern European languages and the literatures associated therewith (with a particular preference for French and Italian, or French, or Italian).

3. The fund shall be administered by a suitable body as determined by Council from time to time.

4. The board shall apply the fund and the net income thereof in the maintenance of the scholarships, and the board shall determine the conditions of their award, and their several value and tenure. The board is empowered to provide financial support for up to one year to enable any scholarship-holder to live on the continent of Europe for the purpose of acquiring fluency in speaking one or more of the languages concerned, where this is judged by the board likely to further the purpose of the course of study or research undertaken in accordance with the provisions of regulation 2 above.

5. Income not expended in any year shall be carried forward for expenditure in subsequent years.

6. Regulations 2–5 above may be amended by Council.

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