1. The fund shall be called the ‘Griffith Egyptological Fund’.
2. The Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies shall be the board of management of the fund.
3. The net income of the fund shall be devoted to the promotion of research into the history and antiquities of Egypt and the Nile Valley and the anthropology of north-east Africa so far as it concerns the study of Ancient, Hellenistic, and Christian Egypt and the early pagan and Christian kingdoms of the Nilotic Sudan, including such linguistic, religious, and cultural survivals as may throw light upon these matters, but excluding special studies of Muhammadanism and Islamic art. It may also be employed for the publication of the results of such researches. It may also be employed to enable any person appointed by the board of management, whether the Professor or Reader of Egyptology, or any other person, to travel or conduct exploration with a view to the promotion of Egyptological study, but it may not be employed for the stipend of the professor or reader or for the payment of any lecturer or for providing lectures in the subject.
4. The income not expended in any year shall be carried forward for expenditure in subsequent years.
5. Council shall have full power to alter this decree from time to time, provided always that the title of the fund be preserved, and that the main object of the foundation, as expressed in clause 3 above, be kept in view.