1. The University shall retain all of the Elizabeth Hannah Jenkinson Fund (‘the Fund’) as permanent endowment, and shall apply the net income of the Fund to the encouragement of research work in Embryology.
2. Grants from the Fund shall be used to support research on normal and experimental Embryology of Animals undertaken by researchers in the Department of Biology of the University.
3. The administration of the Fund, and the application of its income, shall be the responsibility of a management committee comprising:
(1) the Linacre Professor of Zoology;
(2), (3) two other members of the Academic Staff of the Department of Biology working in the field of developmental biology, decided by the Linacre Professor and the Head of the Department of Biology;
(4) a fourth member who may be co-opted if one of the above members has an application under consideration.
4. Regulations 2 and 3 above may be amended by Council.