1. The University accepts with gratitude the gift from the Philip Lewis Trust of £10,000, and any further benefactions contributed for this purpose, to establish a fund to be known as the David Lewis Fund, the net income of which shall be applied for the promotion of the study of ancient history, particularly through the use of inscriptional and other documentary sources.
2. The Board of the Faculty of Classics, acting on the advice and recommendation of the Director and the Management Committee of the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents for as long as that centre shall exist, shall be the board of management for the fund.
3. Income from the fund shall be used to pay the emoluments of a scholar invited each year, if funds permit, to give a lecture relevant to the study of ancient history through inscriptional or other documentary sources. The lecturer shall be called, in honour and memory of David Lewis, the David Lewis Lecturer in Ancient History. The board shall determine the lecturer’s duties and fix the amount of his or her emoluments and expenses to be paid from the income of the David Lewis Fund.
4. Any surplus income arising in any year may at the discretion of the board be:
(a) carried forward for expenditure in subsequent years;
(b) invested in augmentation of the capital, for as long as this shall be permissible in Law;
(c) applied to seminars or other activities in the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents;
(d) applied in any other way which the board shall think conducive to the promotion of the study of ancient history through the use of inscriptional and other documentary sources.
5. Council shall have power to amend this decree from time to time, provided that the main object of the fund, as defined in clause 1 above, is always kept in view.