1.1. For the purposes of regulations 14.2-14.3 below, the word 'college' shall have the meaning attributed to it by section 1 of Statute XV.
1.2. The College Accounts Committee shall consist of:
(1) the Vice-Chancellor;
(2) a person, who shall have financial experience, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor;
(3) a member of Council appointed by Council;
(4) a person appointed by Council who need not be a member of Council;
(5)–(7)three persons elected by the Conference of Colleges.
1.3. The committee shall:
(1) consider each year the audited accounts of each of the colleges which are presented under the provisions of Statute XV and any associated regulations;
(2) have power to call from a college for any explanations (including if necessary a supplementary certificate from its auditors) which the committee may consider necessary of matters contained in the financial statements presented to the committee;
(3) subject only to any general powers of interpretation vested in other persons under Statutes I and XVII, have power to determine conclusively all questions and matters of doubt arising out of the operation of Statute XV and any associated regulations in relation to the accounts of the colleges, except questions and matters of doubt relating to (a) the ascertainment of the income on which college contributions are to be assessed and (b) the declarations required of college auditors;
(4) authorise the publication within the University of the audited annual accounts of the colleges;
(5) provide data to the General Purposes Committee of Council drawn from the college financial information received as may be requested by that committee from time to time;
(6) refer to the General Purposes Committee of Council any relevant matter which the committee considers raises issues falling outside its terms of reference;
(7) report to Council at least once in every five years on the operation of the provisions of Statute XV and any associated regulations in relation to the accounts of the colleges.