Part 14: Ellerton Theological Essay Prize

Amended with effect from 6 March 2012 (date of effect 1 October 2012, Gazette Vol. 142, p. 362, 8 March 2012) and 15 June 2021 (Gazette, Vol.151, p.433-434, 27 May 2021)

14.1. The annual net income of the benefaction given in 1825 by The Revd Edward Ellerton, DD, Fellow of Magdalen College, for the encouragement of theological learning in the University by the establishment of an annual prize for an essay in English shall continue to form the endowment fund for the Ellerton Theological Essay Prize.

14.2. (1) The prize shall be of a value determined by the board of management and shall be offered annually for the best essay in English on any subject of theology or religion which shall be deemed meet and useful by the board of management.

(2) If income is sufficient in any given year, the board may determine that more than one prize shall be awarded.

14.3. The prize or prizes shall be open to student members of the University and shall be awarded on such conditions as the board of management shall determine. 

14.4. No person shall be awarded more than one Ellerton Theological Essay Prize. 

14.5. The Board of the Faculty of Theology and Religion shall be the board of management of the prize.

14.6. Congregation may from time to time amend this Part so long as the main object of the benefaction, as defined in section 14.1 above, is always kept in view.

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