Part 16: Ford's Lectures in British History

Amended with effect from 12 February 2013 (Gazette, Vol. 143, p. 399, 28 February 2013)

16.1. Ford's Lecturer in British History shall hold office for one year, and no lecturer shall be re-eligible until four years have elapsed from his or her appointment.

16.2. The lecturer shall deliver not less than six lectures on British History, and these lectures shall be delivered either in Michaelmas or in Hilary Term, or partly in the one and partly in the other.

16.3. The lecturer shall be elected by a board of seven electors, consisting of:

(1) the Vice-Chancellor;

(2) - (4) three persons appointed by Council;

(5) - (7) three persons appointed by the Board of the Faculty of History.

16.4. Each of the appointed electors shall hold office for three years, and shall be re-eligible; and one elector appointed by Council and one elector appointed by the faculty board shall vacate office every year.

16.5. The lecturer shall receive from the revenues of the Ford Bequest, on completion of his or her course of lectures, £600 or such larger sum as the board of electors, with the approval of Council, shall determine.

16.6. The board of electors shall make an election to the lecturership at any time up to three years before the lecturer takes up office.

16.7. Candidates for election to the office of lecturer shall send in their names, together with the subjects of the lectures which they propose to deliver, and with any further explanations which they may think fit to offer, to the Registrar not later than the first day of November in each year and the Registrar shall forward the applications without delay to the Vice-Chancellor; but the choice of the electors shall not be necessarily limited to such candidates.

16.8. (1) No member of the board of electors shall be eligible for the office of lecturer.

(2) On the occurrence of a vacancy on the board of electors the Registrar shall notify the vacancy to Council or to the Board of the Faculty of History, as the case shall be; and Council or the board shall fill the vacancy as soon as possible.

16.9. The board of electors shall be the board of management for the revenues arising from the Ford Bequest.

16.10. Any income in excess of the sum required in each year for the payment of the stipend of the lecturer may be used by the board at its discretion in one or more of the following ways:

(1) for the payment of travelling expenses incurred by the lecturer for that or for any subsequent year;

(2) for the payment of expenses incidental to the delivery of the lectures;

(3) for the payment of expenses incurred in connection with the entertainment of the lecturer;

(4) for the payment in any year of one or more James Ford Special Lecturers, each to deliver a single lecture on some aspect of British History, for which he or she shall receive a fee of up to £100, or such larger sum as the board of electors, with the approval of Council, shall determine, together with reimbursement of the travelling and other incidental expenses incurred in connection with the delivery of the lecture, and the payment of expenses incurred in connection with the entertainment of the Special Lecturer;

(5) for such other means of support for the teaching of British History in the University as the board of electors shall from time to time determine.

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