Part 25: Senior Remuneration Committee

Amended on 9 October 2003, 28 June 2007, 12 January 2012, 7 August 2015 (Gazette, Vol. 145, p. 694-696, 23 July 2015), 5 March 2021 (Gazette, Vol.151, p.276, 18 February 2021), 15 July 2022 (Gazette, Vol.152, p. 457, 30 June 2022),15 December 2023 (Gazette, Vol 154, p. 172, 30 November 2023) and 2 August 2024 (Gazette Vol. 154, p. 603, 18 July 2024).

Renumbered on 28 July 2011

1.1. The Senior Remuneration Committee shall consist of:

(1)-(3) three external members appointed by Council, one of whom Council shall appoint as chair, and at least one of whom shall also be an external member of Council;

(4) one of the Proctors or the Assessor as may be agreed between them;

(5) one member of Congregation appointed by Council from among its elected members;

(6) one external member appointed by Council with experience of remuneration;

(7) one external member appointed by Council with experience of people and culture.

1.2 Council may co-opt one additional member, who may be internal or external.

1.3 Members will serve a maximum of two terms (3 years each term), lasting no more than 6 years, with no part terms or repeated terms after a gap.

1.4 For the purpose of regulation 28.1 (1)–(3) and 28.2 “external member” may include a college-only postholder. Up to three Heads of House may be members of the Committee at any one time, one of whom will be Chair/Deputy Chair of Conference (ex officio) and the remaining two to be appointed by Council and have experience relevant to senior remuneration.

1.5 The members under regulations 28.1 (6), 28.1 (7), and 28.2 shall not be subject to arrangements with regard to their personal salary which are determined by any process involving an individual whose salary is covered by the remit of the committee.

1.6 (1) The committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to Council on the remuneration packages on appointment of the Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar, and the Chief Financial Officer and for any increases arising from salary reviews thereafter. Salaries of each of those office-holders will be reviewed with effect from the 1 October closest to two calendar years after the starting salaries were set for each office-holder; and every two years thereafter. As part of the recruitment process for these roles, Council will be consulted at an early stage to agree proposed ranges of remuneration levels.

(2) The committee shall also be responsible for determining the remuneration packages on appointment of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors with special responsibility for designated functions, the Heads of Divisions, the Head of Gardens, Libraries, and Museums, and the Dean of the Business School; for reviewing the salaries of each of those office-holders with effect from the 1 October closest to two calendar years after the starting salaries were set for each office-holder; and for reviewing the salaries of each office-holder every two years thereafter.

Council will approve remuneration boundaries for salary reviews which will be re-visited at each review. Salaries of all senior post-holders, subject to the Senior Remuneration Committee, will be disclosed in the Senior Remuneration Committee's annual report to Council.

(3) The committee shall also carry out other such reviews as are requested by Council.

1.7 In carrying out reviews the committee shall consider whether there have been any significant changes in the duties of, or any significant developments associated with, the offices concerned since the salaries of the holders of the offices were last determined; and ensure that the views of the office-holders concerned and the views of the officers to whom those office-holders are responsible have been solicited. Office-holders shall be given explanation of the decisions taken if they request it.

1.8 The committee will be reviewed every three years to ensure it remains effective and review outcomes reported to Council.

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