1.1. The Ethical Investment Representations Review Subcommittee shall consist of:
(1) a Chair who shall be the member of Investment Committee with expertise in socially responsible investment appointed under Council Regulations 15 of 2002 Section 23.1(9), or another Chair with appropriate expertise appointed by Council;
(2) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) or another Pro-Vice-Chancellor as shall be determined by Council from time to time;
(3) a member of the Committee for Review of Donations and Research Funding, appointed by Council;
(4) a member of Congregation elected by Congregation from members of the faculties in the Divisions of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences and of Medical Sciences;
(5) a member of Congregation elected by Congregation from members of the faculties in the Divisions of Humanities and of Social Sciences; and
(6) one sabbatical trustee of Oxford University Student Union.
1.2. The subcommittee shall consider representations concerning ethical or socially responsible investment relating to the Investment Policy Statement. Representations shall be submitted to it as set out in 29.3(1)–(3) below, and the subcommittee will make recommendations to Investment Committee, which Investment Committee shall take into account in proposing any amendments to the Investment Policy Statement or making other recommendations to Council as appropriate.
1.3. Representations concerning the Policy, and proposals related to the implementation of the Policy, may be submitted to the subcommittee as follows:
(1) by Council, the Investment Committee or any other committee reporting directly to Council;
(2) by ten or more members of Congregation;
(3) by a majority resolution of the Council of the Oxford University Student Union.
1.4. The subcommittee shall:
(1) invite to attend its meetings such external or internal experts as it considers may possess expertise relevant to the Representations before the subcommittee;
(2) investigate what, if any, alterations to the Investment Policy Statement ought to be recommended to Investment Committee in light of such representations and report to Investment Committee; and
(3) report annually to Council via Investment Committee on its activities.