32.1. The main objects of the Lothian Fund, accepted by the University in 1870 from William Schomberg Robert, eighth Marquis of Lothian, shall be the encouragement of the study of Modern History and the perpetuation of the memory of the founder.
32.2. The fund shall, after payment of any charges for administration, be used to maintain a studentship, to be called the Marquis of Lothian’s Studentship in Modern History.
32.3. The Board of Management of the Bryce Research Studentship in History shall be the board of management of the studentship.
32.4. Any member of the University engaged on research in Modern History for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall be eligible for election to the studentship.
32.5. The board of management shall elect to the studentship on such other terms as it shall see fit.
32.6. (1) Congregation may from time to time amend this Part so long as the main objects of the fund, as defined in section 32.1 above, are always kept in view.
(2) Previous notice of any such amendment shall be given to the person or persons entitled to the estate charged with the annuity granted by the founder (being of full age and of sound mind and within the United Kingdom) but the consent of that person or those persons to that amendment shall not be necessary.