Part 30: Permanent Private Hall Supervisory Committee: Subcommittee of the Education Committee

Made by Council on 12 January 2012

Amended on 7 August 2015 (Gazette, Vol.145, p.694-696, 23 July 2015), 2 March 2018 (Gazette, Vol.148, p.308, 15 February 2018), and 17 October 2023 (Gazette, Vol.154, p. 4, 21 September 2023).

Renumbered on 24 May 2012 and 20 March 2015 (Gazette, Vol.145, p.396-399, 5 March 2015)

1.1. The Permanent Private Hall Supervisory Committee shall be a Subcommittee of the Education Committee and shall consist of:

(1) a chair, appointed by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) with the approval of the Education Committee;

(2)-(4) the Proctors and the Assessor ex officio;

(5), (6) two persons, one appointed by the Humanities Division and one appointed by the Social Sciences Division, from the main subject areas provided in the Halls, at graduate level;

(7), (8) two persons, one appointed by the Humanities Division and one appointed by the Social Sciences Division, from the main subject areas provided in the Halls, at undergraduate level;

(9) one person appointed by the Conference of Colleges who shall not be a member of a Permanent Private Hall;

(10) one of the sabbatical trustees of the Oxford University Student Union as may be agreed between them.

1.2. The members appointed under regulations 35.1(1) and (5)-(9) above shall hold office for three years, and shall be re-eligible for one further period of three years.

1.3. With the approval of the Education Committee on each occasion, the subcommittee may co-opt up to two additional members who shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible to serve for a total period of six years.

1.4. The Supervisory Committee shall have regulatory, monitoring and reporting functions.

1.5. In the exercise of its regulatory function it shall:

(1) keep the terms of the existing agreements with the Permanent Private Halls (PPHs) under review, and re-examine any agreement where there is cause to do so;

(2) confirm that the by-laws and practices of each PPH are consistent with the statutes and regulations of the University, particularly in respect of the employment of staff, equality of opportunity, harassment, and the protection of freedom of opinion and speech;

(3) make appropriate arrangements to collect from the PPHs on an annual basis information necessary to conduct monitoring.

1.6. In the exercise of its monitoring function it shall monitor:

(1) the governance structures of each PPH;

(2) compliance with the University's Regulations governing the PPHs;

(3) annual admissions against the criteria established in the Review Panel report;

(4) the admissions procedures of the PPHs in light of the Common Framework at undergraduate level and the University's procedures at graduate level;

(5) the teaching arrangements in each of the PPHs;

(6) the distribution of graduate students across disciplines in each of the PPHs;

(7) the admission arrangements for the MTh and the BTh (and in particular the links with the Faculty of Theology and Religion and with the Department for Continuing Education);

(8) standards maintained by academic provision for any subject area in which the PPHs provide teaching;

(9) the arrangements for appointing teaching staff in each of the PPHs;

(10) administrative support to ensure that adequate arrangements exist, with the possibility that this be achieved by collaboration among PPHs;

(11) the availability of proper statements of rules governing the conduct of junior members and access to the Conference appeal processes in each PPH;

(12) the quality of the student experience in each PPH;

(13) the provision made for visiting students in each PPH.

1.7. In the exercise of its reporting function it shall:

(1) receive and consider the financial statements of the PPHs, reporting to the Education Committee on any matter which it considers raises issues of concern;

(2) report to Education Committee where there is cause to examine an existing agreement, or for any other cause the committee considers appropriate;

(3) provide an annual report to Education Committee on academic, administrative and financial matters (including admissions), with recommendations for regulatory action if appropriate;

(4) advise Education Committee on any applications for changes in approved student numbers and on any proposal to offer a new qualification within the PPHs;

(5) advise People Committee on applications for a joint appointment with a PPH;

(6) advise the Committee for Development and Alumni Relations on the appropriateness of support for PPH fundraising priorities in the light of appropriate match with university academic priorities.

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