Part 4: People Committee

Amended on 14 July 2005, 23 March 2006, 21 February 2008, 25 June 2010, 22 July 2010, 22 November 2012, 20 December 2013 (Gazette, Vol. 144, p. 170-172, 5 December 2013), 1 January 2017 (Gazette, Vol. 147, p. 121-122, 10 November 2016), 1 September 2017 (Gazette Vol.147, p.551, 8 June 2017), 1 March 2019 (Gazette, Vol.149, p.292, 14 February 2019), 4 March 2022 (Gazette, Vol.152, p.217, 17 February 2022), 17 October 2023 (Gazette, Vol. 154, p. 4, 21st September 2023) and 20 December 2024 (Gazette, Vol. 155, p. 210, 5 December 2024).

Renumbered on 28 July 2011.

1.1. The People Committee shall consist of:

(1) a Chair, who shall be a member of Congregation appointed by the Vice-Chancellor;

(2) one member of Council appointed by Council;

(3)–(5) the Proctors and the Assessor;

(6) the Chair of the Committee of Senior Tutors;

(7)–(10) the heads of each of the divisions;

(11) one external member appointed by Council;

(12)–(15) one person appointed by each of the divisional boards.

1.2. The committee may co-opt up to six additional members, on condition that the committee shall always ensure by the use of its power of co-optation that the range of interests and concerns in the faculties, departments, and academic services of the University, and in the colleges, societies, and Permanent Private Halls, is as fully reflected within the total membership of the committee as is reasonably practicable.

1.3. The committee shall be responsible for all personnel and equality matters connected with the employment of the University's employees, save where otherwise provided or where the committee deems it necessary to refer the matter to Council or another committee as defined in section 6(3) of Statute I.

1.4. In particular, the committee shall:

(1) be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of those aspects of the University’s Strategic Plan which relate to the People Committee’s remit;

(2) be responsible, in the light of employment legislation and other relevant requirements, and in liaison with the colleges, societies, and Permanent Private Halls as appropriate, for the development and review of policies on the employment of all University staff, including policies on recruitment and selection, staff development and training, equality of opportunity, and salaries and other conditions of service;

(3) oversee any centrally organised exercises relating to employment-related people matters, such as the conferment of the title of professor and the making of distinction awards for professors and readers;

(4) (i) be responsible for, and make recommendations to Council on, the policy in respect of joint appointments between the University and the colleges, societies, and Permanent Private Halls;

(ii) allocate statutory posts to a college or society and approve changes to such allocations or associations, on behalf of Council;

(iii) ratify the allocation to a college or society of other posts that are entitled to hold a fellowship and ratify changes to such allocations or associations;

It shall exercise its responsibilities under (4) (i), (ii) and (iii) above through a subcommittee on which there shall be balanced representation as between the University and the colleges, societies, and Permanent Private Halls;

(5) monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the University's policies relating to personnel matters and equality and diversity matters relating to University staff; and

(6) oversee the relations between the University and its employees through recognised employee representatives.

1.5. The committee shall have power to make, amend, and repeal regulations concerning any of the following matters:

(1) the appointment of individual members of boards of electors for the duration of proceedings to fill a particular vacancy (in cases in which a regulation is necessary);

(2) the conferment of the title of Visiting Professor or Visiting Lecturer (in cases in which a regulation is necessary);

(3) the amendment of the regulations governing the payment of special allowances to certain heads of departments, subject to the approval of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee of Council as to the financial implications of each such proposed amendment;

(4) the creation of a fixed-term university lecturership when a divisional board or the body responsible for another spending sector proposes to set up such a post in a situation other than that of replacing a member of staff on leave or covering emergency teaching needs (in cases in which a regulation is necessary).

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