57.1. The income from the trust shall be used to provide scholarships for the support of students who have been accepted by the University for a graduate degree in Philosophy, in some subject relating to Moral Philosophy.
57.2. The scholarships shall be known as the T.H. Green Moral Philosophy Scholarships.
57.3. The Board of the Faculty of Philosophy shall be the board of management for the fund.
57.4. The scholarship shall be awarded by the Philosophy Graduate Studies Committee on the recommendation of:
(1) the Director of Graduate Studies in Philosophy;
(2) the Director of Graduate Admissions in Philosophy;
(3) a representative of the college where the scholarship shall be held appointed by the college’s Governing Body; and
(4) the White’s Professor of Moral Philosophy.
57.5. If on any occasion a scholarship is not offered, the income not expended shall at the discretion of the board either (i) be carried forward for expenditure in subsequent years; or (ii) be invested in augmentation of the capital of the fund; or (iii) be used for some other purpose relevant to the study of moral philosophy.