1.1. The Budget Planning Subcommittee shall consist of:
(1) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources), who shall be chair of the committee;
(2)–(5) the heads of each of the divisions;
(6) the Head of Gardens, Libraries, and Museums;
(7) the Registrar;
(8) the Chief Financial Officer;
(9) the Chair of the Buildings and Estates Subcommittee;
(10) one external member of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee to be appointed by that committee; and
(11) the Chair of the Estates Bursars Committee.
1.2. The subcommittee shall be responsible to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee for the development of proposals for multiyear planning settlements.
In particular, the subcommittee shall:
(1) establish working groups as necessary to undertake detailed work on resourcing requirements for key areas of the University’s operation, and proposals to fund them, particularly divisional contributions;
(2) provide guidance to the Services Subcommittee, Estate Investment Subgroup, and other appropriate groups, on outline planning assumptions for multi-year settlement planning;
(3) make proposals to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee for multi-year planning settlements to ensure adequate investment in priority areas and the financial sustainability of the University;
(4) by exception and at the instruction of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee, review and make proposals on variances to agreed multi-year planning settlements within the settlement period, in light of budgetary monitoring and other information affecting the financial sustainability of existing plans.