1. The University accepts with gratitude a grant from the E. P. Abraham Research Fund of £20,000 towards the establishment of a Readership in Experimental Pathology in the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology.
2. The Reader in Experimental Pathology shall be elected by a board consisting of:
(1) the Vice-Chancellor, or, if the Rector of Exeter College is Vice-Chancellor, a person appointed by the Council on the occurrence of a vacancy to act as an elector on that occasion;
(2) the Rector of Exeter College, or, if the Rector is unable or unwilling to act, a person appointed by the Governing Body of Exeter College on the occurrence of a vacancy to act as an elector on that occasion;
(3) a person appointed by the Governing Body of Exeter College;
(4), (5) two persons appointed by Council;
(6)–(9) four persons appointed by the Medical Sciences Board.
3. The reader shall engage in advanced study or research, and shall, under the direction of the Professor of Pathology, lecture and give instruction in Pathology in every term.
4. The readership shall be tenable in association with a fellowship at Exeter College unless the person appointed holds a fellowship at another college and wishes to retain it.